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EA Tahan Banting

New EA EA Tahan Banting 3.2

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Om pengen ngerti lebih jauh soal EA TB ini, Khususnya perihal money managementnya supaya lebih tahan
1. Pengali lot dari 1 posisi ke posisi selanjutnya ngitungnya gimana ya? Saya maksimal kena sampe ambil 9 posisi dengan lot sebagai berikut: 0,03, 0,03, 0,06, 0,09, 0,12, 0,18, 0,27, 0,39, 0,54
2. TB ini akan ambil posisi baru di tiap brp point?

Thank you om
Ijin menjawab udah 1 bulan berjalan dan udah 70% balik modal.
Menjawab pertanyaan (mohon dikoreksi jika salah)
1. 0.03, 0.03, 0.06 dstnya bisa dilihat dari screenshot di halaman-halaman sebelumnya (udah ada yg sampe 20 tingkat) dan pny anda auto lotnya x3 (karena equity anda gede dan pake auto, jd ambilnya bs naik berdasarkan equity).
2. Tiap 10 point (atau bisa diatur, kalau tidak salah di BasedQualityLot)

Mungkin ada koreksi dari para pakar disini
You Can't backtest it. Please do your forward test in demo to understand the parameter with ur own vps before use in live. Set default only work on social vps, beside that you have to change some setting to make it work.
Mohon Maaf suhu, mau nanya. saya td malam pasang EA ini di broker warna hitam (X*glob*l) pakai akun cent (low micro), saya cek pagi ini kok belum ad transaksi atau open satupun di 2 pair. it kenapa ya? apakah ad setingan yg kurang pas. padahal saya pakai setting default atau tidak mrubah apa2. saya pakai social VPS
Coba cek di journal, ada error apa atau anda lupa mencentang Allow live trading di tab common. Cek apakah ujung kanan atas udah tanda smile :) atau malah cemberut :(
Jika cemberut :
1. Anda belum allow live trading
2. Broker tidak mengijinkan menggunakan EA (Maaf saya belum pernah pakai broker hitam :)
Mohon infonya Master sekalian.....

Saya sudah pakai ini EA di SocialVPS. Yang ingin Saya tanyakan bagaimana setting nya agar EA nya bisa jalan untuk Multi Pair. Rencana mau coba 3 atau 4 pair sekaligus gitu.
aman om kemaren NFP saya biarin dengan dag dig dug serr... aman aja sih..
semoga lancar jaya seterusnya..

sy uda coba 1 minggu ini, modal cent 60.000 sudah dapat 30.000 1 week 50% dengan 4 pair running. edannn ini...:D
Semoga gak nyusruk.

Mas Bro... bagaimana settingnya agar EA nya bisa jalan di Multi pair?
Mohon infonya Master sekalian.....

Saya sudah pakai ini EA di SocialVPS. Yang ingin Saya tanyakan bagaimana setting nya agar EA nya bisa jalan untuk Multi Pair. Rencana mau coba 3 atau 4 pair sekaligus gitu.

Tambahkan chart pair yg diinginkan, terus tarik ea nya ke chart yg baru ditambahkan tsb. Tapi Kalau saran suhu" disini sih mending 1 pair, EU aja, tinggal sesuaikan lot awal berapa sesuai dengan kekuatan modal. Coba baca di halaman sebelum ini. CMIIW
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[QUOTE = "Malaikax, post: 406591, member: 67201"] Would you please send your picture to see an error message, Maybe we can help. [/ QUOTE]

I was finally able to get it working, all I did was to change the Based Equity from 3000 to 200,000 which is the capital I'm using on demo. Hope that is not a problem?

Also notice today it stopped opening positions when got a huge drawdown(check 2nd attached pic) is something wrong or is it programmed to halt until the market settles/recovers?


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[QUOTE = "Malaikax, post: 406591, member: 67201"] Would you please send your picture to see an error message, Maybe we can help. [/ QUOTE]

I was finally able to get it working, all I did was to change the Based Equity from 3000 to 200,000 which is the capital I'm using on demo. Hope that is not a problem?

Also notice today it stopped opening positions when got a huge drawdown(check 2nd attached pic) is something wrong or is it programmed to halt until the market settles/recovers?
your information was not complete such as what's leverage, vps, pair & timeframe used but i try to answer this. Please try to chnge set input a little bit. Change all true to false, except usestartingtime & useautolots still true. Slippage 3 and max averaging set with how many level you want (default is 20). Try only eurusd first to understand this set before go with another pair. Hope this help.
0.01 lot size
Using social VPS
On Eur / Usd alone
4H time frame

1. What's Slippage?
2. Max Averaging? Is this the maximum number of open positions per pair?
3. Do i turn UseAutoTarget to false?
Setting default nya seperti apa ya, kalau tdk kita ubah2 lagi bisa kan? Aman2 saja kah?

Mohon penjelasan utk EA Tahan Banting ini kita perlu setting lagi atau cukup gunakan setting default?

Apa ada record kena MC saat mengunakan EA tsb?
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your information was not complete such as what's leverage, vps, pair & timeframe used but i try to answer this. Please try to chnge set input a little bit. Change all true to false, except usestartingtime & useautolots still true. Slippage 3 and max averaging set with how many level you want (default is 20). Try only eurusd first to understand this set before go with another pair. Hope this help.
Okay, 0.01 lot size Using social VPS On Eur / Usd alone 4H time frame
Questions1. What's Slippage?2. Max Averaging? Is this the maximum number of open positions per pair?3. Do i turn 'UseAutoTarget' to false?4. There are two 'useautolot' do I leave both as true
Lastly my demo stopped opening positions at level 8,not selling buying, what could be wrong
your information was not complete such as what's leverage, vps, pair & timeframe used but i try to answer this. Please try to chnge set input a little bit. Change all true to false, except usestartingtime & useautolots still true. Slippage 3 and max averaging set with how many level you want (default is 20). Try only eurusd first to understand this set before go with another pair. Hope this help.

Hi Malaikax, thanks so much for all your input and tips on settings, I have one question. what does Slippage do? I saw that u will set it at 3.
Apa ada record kena MC saat mengunakan EA tsb?

Main aman, jangan greedy, dan siapkan dana inject juga minimal 50% dari balance yang ada, apabila margin levelnya sudah dibawah 200% saya inject.
pakai socialvps nya soehoe sudah auto set, dan jika merasa lot yang dibuka terlalu besar ganti di based equity nya.

sy sudah coba 2 weeks, so far so good.

DI FT saja, nanti juga ngerti.
0.01 lot size
Using social VPS
On Eur / Usd alone
4H time frame

1. What's Slippage?
2. Max Averaging? Is this the maximum number of open positions per pair?
3. Do i turn UseAutoTarget to false?

Answer :
1. Slippage : +/- for open position (if set 3, +/- 3 pip)
2. Max averaging : Maximum level you want to open per pair (20 default)
3. AutoTarget false means this EA will running until you stop it manual. If you set true, if you reach your target, this EA not open position anymore.

Hope it helps, sorry for bad english :)