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EA Tahan Banting

New EA EA Tahan Banting 3.2

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apa yg harus saya lakukan akun saya tidak dapat open lg max 20op sedangkan auto setting by socialvps....?
apa klo 3000 tidak akan mc...?

Tentu saja tidak ada jaminan.
Tidak ada holy grail di dunia forex.
Saya kasih analogi: satu hari misal open 10 trade, umpama 2 trade loss, secara total masih profit kan? kalau 1 tahun trade, 2 bulan loss, secara total masih profit kan?
Kira2 begitu lah gambaran kasarnya.

Saya kasih renungan lagi, misal bulan ini kena MC, $3000 bablas. Pertanyaannya MC tgl berapa? Kalau MC awal bulan, loss 3000. lalu start lagi dg 3000 maka sampai akhir bulan lossnya ga sampai 3000 kan?
Lantas kalau MC trus stop ga funding lagi? ya berarti loss 3000.
Semua itu kembali ke paradigma dan pola trading masing2 trader.
Apakah sebulan bisa MC lebih dari sekali? ya bisa aja........

NB: Ingat kembali, $3000 itu dg asumsi leverage 1:1000. Bagaimana kalau Leverage nya cuma 1:500? tentu mesti siap modal lebih dr $3000 kan.
Halo agan agan lagi mau coba di akun real micro $1000 kok diauto setting muncul first lot size will be 0.00, padahal di akun demo lancar jaya. Apa ada yg salah?
Hi ! i just subscribed social vps and i get this ea.
1).May i know the minimum amount in the account is $3000 USD for this EA?
2).Is it i just attached this EA to the EURUSD H1 chart and do not touch all the settings?
3)This EA is only for EURUSD?

Thank you !
and i try to use it by auto setting got no stoploss..

Hi ! i just subscribed social vps and i get this ea.
1).May i know the minimum amount in the account is $3000 USD for this EA?
2).Is it i just attached this EA to the EURUSD H1 chart and do not touch all the settings?
3)This EA is only for EURUSD?

Thank you !
Apakah ada yang pernah berhasil melakukan backtest pada EA ini?
Seharian saya coba backtest ga bisa2. saya coba backtest di socialvps tetap ga bisa..
Hi ! i just subscribed social vps and i get this ea.
1).May i know the minimum amount in the account is $3000 USD for this EA?
2).Is it i just attached this EA to the EURUSD H1 chart and do not touch all the settings?
3)This EA is only for EURUSD?

Thank you !
1. My Testaccount is 3k$.
2. I'hv EURUSD and GBPUSD on H1 Chart, with default settings. "UseBalance" - "Initial Deposit" and "Base Equity" is changed to 3k$.
3. No, i'hv running on EURUSD and GBPUSD. My test was started on 14.04.19. I want to see when the account bursts, but until now everything is going steady. I think the relative DD was never below 15%.