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EA Tahan Banting

New EA EA Tahan Banting 3.2

No permission to download
what are the guidelines for trading different currency pairs for this EA? ..... like aud/yen, gbp/c
or is it work only for eur/usd or are there other particular fx pairs to trade?

opinion will be appreciated
[QUOTE = "With EA Trader, post: 2038, member: 76"] true, the reality is not as beautiful as dreams but if QTA thinks positively the results are also God willing positive too, I deposit $ 70/7000 cent and my account slowly grows to be - + 20000 cent, I had time to feel that I was using eK YKNF and SMProfit in my heart, saying "can this ea give results" 2 to run using ea floating minus 15000 (cent) where my negative thoughts become more "short, MC," , But I keep trying to get rid of my negative thoughts even though "sometimes" keeps on appearing, as a result I enter my 3rd class WD just capital + opit I 10000 cent / $ 100 now I just trade using profit so there is no inner tension ...

always think positively and learn from people who have experience using ea that is given by the teacher Soehoe, I often inbox some friends here to ask the settings, tips and tricks, thank God smw mw share ...
and 1 more, maybe the teacher Soehoe gave me an ea which was detrimental to the member, all of me believe that I will be tested in the trial development before sharing it to the member ...
Keep the spirit...
right to be patient for good and profit together ....
think positive ... ;)

# Sorry if there are words that are not pleasing :)[/ QUOTE]

what currency pairs would you recommend to trade for this ea ?
what about aud/yen,gbp/cad,eur/nzd
This EA is not winning anything on any pair on my Social VPS. I gave it a month ans lost all my deposit equity

But EA Tahan Banting 3.2 has grow my account from USD 1000 to more than USD 1500.

I started on FBS Cents account (USD 1000 == USC 100,000) , leverage 500, EURUSD, EURGBP and GBPUSD since Aug 2018.

This EA uses Grid + Martingale, it will profit IF AND ONLY IF your account can survive.
boleh tau cara menggunakan ea ini bagaimana ya? saya menggunakan socialvps tp mau testing di strategy tester tidak bisa jalan.
mohon bantuan bagi yg sudah mengerti. tks banyak
Ada yg pernah ampe level brp buy atau sell nya? Pernah 20 ga[/QUOT

EA ini sangat bagus, bisa BEP 100% dalam waktu 1 bulan, dan harus tahu resiko main Forex sehingga bukan EA nya yang jelek tapi memang bila ada news yang juga tidak wajar bisa naik hingga 700 pips, maka akun dengan sistem marti pasti akan MC dan ini adalah resiko tapi jangan menyesal karena bermain forex harus tahu benar yang nama nya MM sehingga walaupun sudah MC tapi masih bisa dapat profit dari kejadian news yang akan terjadi tiap tahun nya dan akan selalu begitu.
