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EA Tahan Banting

New EA EA Tahan Banting 3.2

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i use EU only and made calculation for it. you need 4700 eur balance 500 leverage for max 17 level EU. i dont know GU settings so maybe you can expect 14 or 15 level for GU. i did all calculation manual with using excel. you can use lot size below for GU level calculation

0,01 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,06 0,09 0,13 0,18 0,27 0,38 0,55 0,79 1,14 1,65 2,37 3,1

How you calculate the lot? I would like to know level 18,19,20. Since V3.2 no open until 20 positions. Many thanks
Autolots set in social vps is scary, 30k cent rose to 90k cent, and last week EURJPY only on this pair, MC'ed on me sadly, didn't even managed to enjoy profit.

Had stopped using this EA and i have others in t.me/Flexea , do join us.
unfortunately I have not used it now, because I have MC.
this ea requires a large capital because the pip range is only 10 pips, and it is fixed, not dynamic.
If only we could set the distance would be safer.
I used capital 12.000 cent, lot = forgot, run 24/5, and failed. I see other guys with 30.000 usc seems safe.
but this ea if we make it through floating long enough then the profit is big

I use this EA together with "EA close all at profit" in 2 seperate cent account. 1 for long only, another for short only. I use EA close all at profit because I felt that the TP sometimes is too far away that the pullback cant reach it. The profit is much less than normal, but so far so good.

If only I can combine these 2 EAs and do a backtest... Maybe someone can help me do that...?
Untuk Social VPS pake paket yg mana ya? Yg Classic Standard atau Premium Standard ya? Bedanya di IP, keduanya sama-sama 1GB.
Saya pake yang Classic Basic keluar peringatan, EA ini baiknya menggunakan RAM minimal 1GB soalnya.

Oya, saya rencana teset dengan cent account, USD 300 (c30,000) dengan Equity Based c30,000/0.01 Lot. Apakah aman? (secara kekuatan 10x dari rekomendasi)
Sarannya pakai broker apa ya? Saya liat-liat kok yang bisa fasilitasi FBS ya.
Mungkin ada broker lain?

Mohon pencerahannya Master Agus Mardiyanto dan rekan-rekan yang lain.

I had a $22,000 account and got MC on only one pair USDJPY several months ago.

Be careful, you can make small money on range mkt, which is good, but it can keep buying/selling on a trend down/up mkt, it can add up to 10-40 lots before got MC, the marti on this one can KILL your account quickly.

Okay, is there anyone who can summarize some important details on this bot for me? I see that it requires 3000$ or 3000cent per .01 lots... What is the monthly % gain or weekly % gain on $3000/.01 lots? Who is the creator of it? I would also like to know if the source code is available for purchase.
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[QUOTE = "WANPA, posting: 231008, anggota: 38355"] terima kasih admin. ea yang bagus [/ QUOTE]
letak download EA nya dimana ya link nya? thanks
I had a $22,000 account and got MC on only one pair USDJPY several months ago.

Be careful, you can make small money on range mkt, which is good, but it can keep buying/selling on a trend down/up mkt, it can add up to 10-40 lots before got MC, the marti on this one can KILL your account quickly.

What is your based equity per 0.01 lot?
Do you have to have account with socialvps.net for this EA to work? I am trying the latest version. Not taking trades.

Never mind. Trading now!
Hai Gan, ane newbie di sini.
Saya sudah pake socialvps dan sdh download EA Tahan Banting.ex4, saya pake MT4 tetapi EA TB tidak muncuk di folder Expert Advisor, sudah refresh dan sudah restart.
Ada apa gerangan? Dan untuk ambil preset-nya dimana ya?
Thanks agan2 untuk pencerahannya..