Halo, maafkan saya karena saya tidak terlalu ahli dalam masalah EA tapi Tahan Banting yang saya sukai ini, yang saya tidak pahami dengan baik adalah karena kadang-kadang berfungsi dengan baik dan yang lainnya membuka pembelian dan penjualan dan Anda dapat menghabiskan semua minggu seperti ini, tanpa untung, sesuatu yang saya lakukan salah, atau itu buruk dikonfigurasi ... jika seseorang dapat membantu saya, terima kasih banyak dan salam untuk semua. Maafkan terjemahannya adalah penerjemah google.
Hello, forgive me because I am not very expert in the subject of the EA but Tahan Banting this particular I like, what I do not understand very well is because sometimes it works very well and other opens a purchase and a sale and you can spend all the week like this, without profit, something I do wrong, or it is badly configured ... if someone can help me, thank you very much and greetings to all. Forgive the translation is google translator.
Hello, forgive me because I am not very expert in the subject of the EA but Tahan Banting this particular I like, what I do not understand very well is because sometimes it works very well and other opens a purchase and a sale and you can spend all the week like this, without profit, something I do wrong, or it is badly configured ... if someone can help me, thank you very much and greetings to all. Forgive the translation is google translator.