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EA Tahan Banting

New EA EA Tahan Banting 3.2

No permission to download
Hi traders,

i have downloaded it and when i put on chart, message pop up: please download again. ???
Any suggestions?
"If you run it outside SocialVPS.net then you need to setup the configuration setting manually" -> clear but

i also set all manual and pop up say -> download again -> i make but same message come

what can make?
Halo para master mau bertanya untuk EA ini cocok untuk pair apa saja ya? Misal modal $100 akun micro bs ambil brp pair thank you.
Ngtest pake akun demo...tf 15. H1. Pair eu gu. Mayan lah 1 hari kurleb 10%.....

Slow but sure....

Ini lg dipasang lagi d akun xm mikro.leverage 1:888

Report menyusul..mudah2an ga dipanggil ama mamang cakep atau mbak cunti ◇(MC)


  • Screenshot_20180509-064300.png
    324.8 KB · Views: 217
Ada yang tau cara setting ke dalam akun mikro xm. Misal deposit saya $50 dollar. Berarti di ekuitas EAdiisi dengan 50 ? Atau justru 50x1000? 50.000?

Need help

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Halo master2, saya ingin bertanya tentang parameter di input EA ini..

Maksud dari Helper, Exponent Killer, dan Lot Killer ya?

Saya baca dari depan ga ada yang beri definisi parameter ini..

Mohon bantuannya ya.. Terima kasih.

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
default aja gan, gk usah dirubah2 juga ok kok. kalau pengen nyoba ke akun demo dulu biar bs lihat ini ea profitable atau tidak. km bikin 1 akun, 1 pair, masing2 dikasih deposit 10rb usd. coba sebulan. baru kelihatan nanti pair mana yg profitable dgn deposit brp duit

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Hello I am a newbie and started using Tahan banting. So far so good thanks to Soehoe

My specs are:
Equity : 700 my own money, 775 bonus so
1450 equity starting

3 pairs running
Gbp usd

Start lot is 0.54

I used the default settings.
Is this correct?

It is not too much since I have 3 pairs?

Hoping for your opinion.
What if prices will not have correction.
Will it be possible I can have MC?
Ada yang tau cara setting ke dalam akun mikro xm. Misal deposit saya $50 dollar. Berarti di ekuitas EAdiisi dengan 50 ? Atau justru 50x1000? 50.000?

Need help

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
sudah terjawab dengan utak atik manual

$50 deposit, dalam 2 Hari jadi $137,,,,,

om SOEHOE banyak pahalanyaa nih, lumayan buat nambahin belanja istri
Hello I am a newbie and started using Tahan banting. So far so good thanks to Soehoe

My specs are:
Equity : 700 my own money, 775 bonus so
1450 equity starting

3 pairs running
Gbp usd

Start lot is 0.54

I used the default settings.
Is this correct?

It is not too much since I have 3 pairs?

Hoping for your opinion.
What if prices will not have correction.
Will it be possible I can have MC?
Just advise with alert with news that send by you broker that is very important

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
O EA está dando este erro:
2018.05.12 11:35:04.431 EURUSD,M1: 1 tick events (31227 bars, 2233434 bar states) processed in 0:00:00.000 (total time 0:00:02.532)
2018.05.12 11:35:04.430 2018.01.02 00:00:00 EA Tahan Banting v 3.2 EURUSD,M1: initialization failed (1)
2018.05.12 11:35:04.430 2018.01.02 00:00:00 EA Tahan Banting v 3.2 EURUSD,M1: Alert: ====== EA TAHAN BANTING ======
2018.05.12 11:35:04.430 2018.01.01 00:00:00 EA Tahan Banting v 3.2 inputs: License=1; MagicKiller=168; SignalKiller=2; UseStartingTime=1; StartHour=0; StartMinute=0; UseAutoTarget=1; StopOutPercent=11; TargetInMoney=1000; UseTargetSL=0; TargetOrder=4; StepOrder=3; StepOrderPlus=2; Lots=1.2; LotsExponent=1.3; UseAutoLot=1; UseBalance=0; BasedEquityLot=10; BasedLots=0.01; UseFilterTarget=1; Deposit=7700; DepositBns=30; TargetInPercent=40; MaxRiskInPercent=40; UseAutoLot_A=1; BasedEquityLot_A=300; Lots_A=0.01; Slippage=0; MaxAverag
[QUOTE = "Mahmoud-Tony, post: 210095, membro: 17763"] obrigado, querido amigo,
mas eu quero backtest ??
qualquer ajuda [/ QUOTE]
Não consegui fazer o EA Tahan Banting 3.2 funcionar