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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)
EA Tahan Banting

New EA EA Tahan Banting 3.2

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Ea tahan banting ini masih banyak yang menggunakan sepertinya, dan masih menjadi salah satu ea favorit pengguna robot di forum ini
semoga tetap berlanjut dan tahan banting bisa membanting lawan dan memenangkan pertandingan
salam tuk masta2 smua,.. aq msh baru gan, nanya ini nih karena baru download....saya lihat ea nya gak pake SL.....apa bisa pakai SL dan settingannya bagaimana?..thanks SUHU
barusan download semalam, udah jalan sejak pagi, settingan msh pake default, EU TF H1, sampai jam segini ada posisi buy sdh 8 step...
"you can backtest this ea do forward test instead" kiri atas skrg ini knp ya ea nya salahnya dmn gan sett nya



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For people speaking English this site is not really helping that much, google translate will not most of the time translate correctly what members are saying
For people speaking English this site is not really helping that much, google translate will not most of the time translate correctly what members are saying
Most members of this forum are from Indonesia, as the owner and the EA creator is also from Indonesia. But not to worry, You can ask or give Your idea / opinion in English, I'm sure many people will help answering You. Yap, google translate is not totally correct, especially in the sequence of the meaning, but more or less You can guess it what the meaning is....
SoeHoe , I think it is good idea if You can add 1 more chat / discussion room in English, as You've also ever mentioned about it
Yes almost member from indonesian, so if there are sometime member using indonesian bahasa this is general
if there are certain question I think we can discuss and might get help from fellow member