can you tell me which pair you use? and how long you test this ea? what setting to use?
It's purchase by Credit forum, you can earn credit by active in this forum or you can buy a creditIam new user. Where is the ea purchase?
Om Cooldesak,.. pair apa dan TF berapa? thx
this is result one week vps 24 hours ...
result balance profit 90%
result equity profit 70%
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View attachment 20435
please read my post beforecan you give me any mql5 link or fxbook link to show me the full trading performance?
i want to fully analysis the ea performance fully. if you can help me, it is so really thanks
i see you trade with usd/jpy , if i trade eur/usd, then the daily target need to change or not? or other setting need to change or not?please read my post before
tanya om cooldesak, tolong dijelaskan arti/maksud :or if u use broker with unlimited order ... and u can make another setting with setup "Min Margin Persen" ... u can make this setting with balance 1000$ ...
View attachment 20434
you dont need to change your setup ...i see you trade with usd/jpy , if i trade eur/usd, then the daily target need to change or not? or other setting need to change or not?
tanya om cooldesak, tolong dijelaskan arti/maksud :
1) Apakah boleh mengganti magic number? misal mau diganti menjadi 123456789
2) Renko box size, apakah harus 3? apa maksud 3?
3) Apakah itu cycle target?
4) Apa itu cycle risk?
terima kasih.............buanyaaaakkkkkk.....
i see this ea performance today, it reach the max dd to 33 % and it open too many orders, does any ways to reduce the orders to 10 or 20 ?1. boleh bebas
2. kalo tau renko pasti tau arti box size
3. cycle target itu target tiap kali profit dan nilainya merupakan nilai dalam bentuk dollar/cent. misal diisi 10 itu sama dengan target tiap trading = 10$
4. sama kayak cycle target sama juga istilahnya dengan SL hanya bernilai dalam bentuk dollar/cent .