muhamad arnizam mohd asri
New Member
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This is my review for this thread:
good ea
good ea
Last edited: it is.
As you know the tests all crashed except for mine. But as others have said mine will crash eventually.
The problem with these EA's is that the many orders get profit...but the trigger to trail still leaves stragglers and the remaining orders go to the minus side.
So it is fixed in the source code and it is a secret....sorry I do not know much more. I am just a tester and can only report findings and use my platform space.
So if you folks want to follow along you can. I am sure you can ask the Thread Author for the EA eventually NOT ME
Thank for your report, we do some work in a few days with this EA, now we have new update. You can't try this update.
We put dynamic trail, that will protect your profit..
View attachment 127279
When you post the chart w/indicators this confuses me. How does the EA integrate this with the grid?
Please speak more plainly as I must understand. The other traders here that are more advanced are probably laughing at me...but it is not the first time.
This EA resembles more like an indicator based trader with a grid. It would be fascinating to learn how it enters and exits in detail with markings on the chart with indicators.
Thank for your report, we do some work in a few days with this EA, now we have new update. You can't try this update.
We put dynamic trail, that will protect your profit..
View attachment 127279
Halo sahabat Trader..,
Hari ini kami telah launching Robot Forex kami dengan nama EA Mitra Exness Indonesia. EA ini masih dalam tahap pengembangan, namun hari ini kami sudah mencobanya di akun riil. Kami sudah melakukan bebrapa BackTest dengan pair EURUSD dan GBPUSD. Berikut adalah hasil BT kami..
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Kami minta bantuan kepada teman-teman untuk dapat mencoba EA kami ini, baik itu di BackTest ataupun langsung dujalankan di akun Demo. Mohon nanti masukannya untuk pengembangan EA kami ini kedepannya.
Bagi yang bisa memberikan review yang bagus terhadap EA kami ini akan kami berikan 1 Lisensi untuk dapat dijalankan di akun Riil, dengan catatan buka akun perdagangan di Broker Exness menggunakan link perner kami. Silahkan buka akun disini
Untuk settingan EA ini, silahkan gunakan settingan default saja untuk pair EU dan GU. Timeframe yang digunakan M1-M5. Jika semakin besar timeframe, DD akan semakin kecil dan profit pun juga akan semakin kecil.
EA ini memiliki sistem auto lot, lot akan di set menurut 4 kriteria. Low risk 0.01/1000, Medium risk 0.02/1000, High risk 0.1/1000 dan Very High risk 1.00/1000. Silahkan teman2 coba yes sesuai keinginan. Tetap kami menyarankan gunakan lah yang Low risk saja. Dan juga lot akan di compund otomatis menurut saldo di akun.
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Jika ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut bisa hub kami di dan juga dapat bergabung di grup telegram kami
Salam Hangat,
Mitra Exness Indonesia