34 calendar days of trading. M5 is in building mode and
fortifying the three trailing positions. Without sounding too exuberant there are some nice features with this EA (v2.2). I test many EA's and this is one that has passed my smell test, thus far. I got lucky when I found this thread with a kind thread author requesting help (I got a beautiful MQ4 file from him). There are many EA's I spend a lot of time and resources on, just to delete them later to my "tried and no cigar" file.
Test M5
Time started: 12/10/2020, 9:38 Arizona Time (USA) Start Balance $2,386.88
Balance $2,625.35 Profit:
+$238.47, ROI=9.99%*, 8.56%**/Mo., 0.01 lotsize
3 open positions (Buy mode, no hedging)
Max Floating Drawdown seen:
-$431.15, (18.06%***)
Current Drawdown +9.12 (fortifying trailing position)
Demo Acct. EA Mitra Exness Indonesia V 2.2 GBPUSD M5 AutoLotMode=
VeryLowRisk, TP=10.0, SL=50.0, TrailingExtra=2
Test M15 (For Conservative Traders)
Time started: 12/10/2020, 9:38 Arizona Time (USA) Start Balance $1,050.09
Balance $1,188.97, Profit:
+$138.88, ROI=13.23%*, 11.34%** /Mo., 0.01 lotsize
0 open positions Flat
Max Floating Drawdown seen:
-$55.98, (5.33%***)
Current Drawdown 0
Demo Acct. EA Mitra Exness Indonesia V 2.2 GBPUSD M15 AutoLotMode=
VeryLowRisk, TP=10.0, SL=50.0, TrailingExtra=2
* Profit/Start Bal
** Profit/#of calendar days traded*30/Start Bal
***Max FloatingDD seen/Start Bal
You can download a MT4 demo platform here: www.tradersway.com
You can log-in here on your MT4 platform for the M15: