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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA EA anti lost, holygril minimal modal $5

Cara kerja EA ini adalah:
Saat Order Total = 0,
SELL bila harga Bid x.xxx72 sampai x.xxx90, SL pada x.xxx40 dan TP pada x.xxx46
BUY bila harga Ask x.xxx10 sampai x.xxx28, SL pada x.xxx60 dan TP pada x.xxx54
Bila Order Total > 0,
SELL bila harga Bid x.xxx54 sampai x.xxx74, SL pada x.xxx40 dan TP pada x.xxx46
BUY bila harga Ask x.xxx25 sampai x.xxx45, SL pada x.xxx60 dan TP pada x.xxx54
Saya tidak menemukan yang katanya SL = 0, tidak ada holygrail dan rentan MC karena tidak ada coding money management
Saya juga bisa buat seolah-olah trading manual padahal pakai robot. Saya sudah coba simulasi di akun XM micro, secara total masih loss.
Cara kerja EA ini adalah:
Saat Order Total = 0,
SELL bila harga Bid x.xxx72 sampai x.xxx90, SL pada x.xxx40 dan TP pada x.xxx46
BUY bila harga Ask x.xxx10 sampai x.xxx28, SL pada x.xxx60 dan TP pada x.xxx54
Bila Order Total > 0,
SELL bila harga Bid x.xxx54 sampai x.xxx74, SL pada x.xxx40 dan TP pada x.xxx46
BUY bila harga Ask x.xxx25 sampai x.xxx45, SL pada x.xxx60 dan TP pada x.xxx54
Saya tidak menemukan yang katanya SL = 0, tidak ada holygrail dan rentan MC karena tidak ada coding money management
Exactly the coding is what you have seen but SL is zero because it's no up to 5 pips... But for the TP is usually 2pips and the I think the EA runs it up to 1 cent per trade. Because 2pips shouldn't give you 1 cent per trade
We are writing in connection with your Account no. 34127183 34134231 (hereinafter “your Account”) with our company.

In that regard, our Anti-fraud Department has brought to our attention that your Account is connected to an account that had been previously terminated because of the violations of the Client Agreement.

Accordingly, we regret to inform you that, in accordance with the terms and conditions, we have decided, with immediate effect to, (i) close all of your trading Accounts with Trading Point, (ii) to nullify all trades carried out in your trading Account(s) with Trading Point, and (iii) to cancel any and all profits or losses garnered in your trading Account(s) with Trading Point.

As a result, you are kindly requested to submit a withdrawal request for your remaining balance through the Withdrawals Section of our Members Area and this shall be processed accordingly. If no withdrawal request is received within the next 48 hours, your funds will be sent back to the source.

In view of the above, please note that you will be strictly prohibited from opening any new trading account(s) and trade with our company. Nonetheless, in cases where you may successfully open an account and trade with our company due to any technical and/or human error, we reserve every right to immediately close your account upon identification, nullify any profit/loss generated and refund the original amount of deposit, excluding any deposit and withdrawal charges, back to the same source of deposit.

Please note that, in accordance with the terms and conditions, our decisions are final and binding on all participants and that, other than the notification set forth herein, no further correspondence will be entered into.

Kind Regards