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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA EA Adenan Scalping. daily profit 10-30%

aq sering ngalami kayak gitu...
tapi ya ndak masalah... bisa di close manual atau klo OP pertama salah maka OP kedua akan keluar TP nya
ndak ada bahaya nya.... kecuali OP awal langsung 100 lot.... wkwkwkwk
Langsung panen klu kena TP op 100 lot
aq sering ngalami kayak gitu...
tapi ya ndak masalah... bisa di close manual atau klo OP pertama salah maka OP kedua akan keluar TP nya
ndak ada bahaya nya.... kecuali OP awal langsung 100 lot.... wkwkwkwk

kalau searah OP tanpa TP tiba2 dah jadi 100 pip tanpa di monitor , gimana dong :v
Siang biasa sudah tak off. Nunggu posisi close.

wah....oke deh nanti kalau pas sudah close posisi langsung off dulu EA nya di hari kamis saat ada FOMC dan hari jumatnya emang libur nih EA. hihi jadi hari kamis kerja cuma setengah hari aja.

kalau searah OP tanpa TP tiba2 dah jadi 100 pip tanpa di monitor , gimana dong :v

saran saya di close manual dulu gan, lalu nanti stabil lagi. :)
Balance 2000 cent agan wisnu
Kaitan nya itu gmn ya gan antara balance sama risk percent itu
jelas tidak bisa OP klu balance 2000 pake risk 2%, karena risk 2% balance minimal 10.000 shg lot op pertama 0.02. minimal op account cent 0.01.
ada yg bisa bantu ga? kalo in*taforex 1:1000 itu harus modal 10,000 juga ato brp? soalnya saya kurang ngerti perbandingan gitu..
Balance 2000 cent agan wisnu
Kaitan nya itu gmn ya gan antara balance sama risk percent itu

klo modal 2.000 cent jangan pakai set profitable.
pakai set super aman saja. rubah pipstep menjadi 30 dan lotexponent nya rubah jadi 1.11
biar lebih kuat nahan floating dan lot marting nya ndak terlalu besar.
klo modal 2.000 cent jangan pakai set profitable.
pakai set super aman saja. rubah pipstep menjadi 30 dan lotexponent nya rubah jadi 1.11
biar lebih kuat nahan floating dan lot marting nya ndak terlalu besar.
oooh begitu ya gan??
oke dah gan tak coba ganti settingan itu,tp gan di super aman risk percent 30% itu pengaruh gak??
oooh begitu ya gan??
oke dah gan tak coba ganti settingan itu,tp gan di super aman risk percent 30% itu pengaruh gak??

"super_aman" tidak memakai risk % nya... tapi pip step nya.
klo bisa pipstep naik kan minimal 40, dan risk bisa di ubah menjadi 1%.
takut terjadi range kayak tadi... range harian nya kecil jadi minim koreksi, maka ketahanan modal menjadi hal paling utama
hi dear, i have back tested this robot and found useless.
actually this is martingale based and time based robot. as u know the eurusd move very sharply bearish and took buy trades which banged accounts of lot of traders.
please do not use this robot, however u may use ADENAN that is better than ur robot.

Sorry, actually a person replied in this thread and offered another robot which was useless, however i would like to say adenan scalper is really very good robot.
sorry post was posted by a mistake and i will care in future. please enjoy happy pips with ADENAN.
Which robot you talking about? We're talking about Adenan robot here, the one that I explain.. And its Adenan thread.. or you make post at wrong thread? :think:

Sorry Dear, i posted to reply someone's post and by mistake it got posted in this thread
I want to say other traders Adenan Scalper is really very good robot with outstanding performance.
you may try to tweak according to your broker and get very good pips
Hi all,

The main thing is set up in the Pip step BIGGER Reviews those that have big days events like FOMC, Non-farm payroll, etc.

For example: Pip Step = 100. So, if the price moves in one direction for more than 100 pips - 200 pips and reverses, the Adenan EA will close all for profits. We can set up new Pip Step 100 in the afternoon before European session starts.

Or else, just close all trades for small profits or losses, and stop trading for a while until the news has come out for 1 hour, then, start trading again.

I think my above suggestions are reasonable to protect our account safe.

FOMC bukannya biasanya dia naik/turun drastis dalam 1 menit? Klo spt itu berarti aman khan gan? atau ane salah? :wasntme:
Aman. Cuma yg ane hindari pas ea op di bawah tetapi trend naik lanjut ke sesi asia. Karakter eu biasanya tengah malam smp siang gerakan searah ini kadang yg nyebabkan ea op smp level 15 ke atas. Itulah kenapa ea kadang tak set end hour 18, start 8