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New EA EA Adenan Scalping. daily profit 10-30%

alhamdulillah profit 2% lebih sampe sore ini, dan EA masih terus running.

silahkan pantau perkembangan akun saya yang menggunakan EA AdenanScalping di pair EU dan GU.

pake setingan profitable ya mas wisnu ... terus dibuat only sell dan only buy ya..
Mantafff :clap: setting on dr jam brp om wisnu?? 24jam kah?
Smoga segera mngikuti jejaknya :rock::rock: go green gooo

Mantafff :clap: setting on dr jam brp om wisnu?? 24jam kah?
Smoga segera mngikuti jejaknya :rock::rock: go green gooo

On mulai pagi. Setting standar tp 30, step 30. Cuma lot yg tak gedein. Modal 30.000 pake lot 0.1
Hi Vishnu,

Great. I see you have made lots of profits from Adenan Scalping ea.

Do you let ea trade 24/5 even during the High Impact News? Or you turn off ea Often before High Impact News ?

And do you let it trade on Friday now? I remember that with "Super_Aman" set of files, Trade on Friday = FALSE, right? So, if you use this ea Friday, you will use PROFITABLE Set file ?

Hope you can share your own experiences that so many of us who just know about this ea can know how to control this ea safely.

Thanks a lot

kalau gini kesimpulannya mas wisnu pakai satu pair 2 chart ya, yang satu set buy only, yang satu sell only, begitu bukan?, lepas 24 jam
Spt-nya begitu gan.. Ane jg spt itu, lepas 24 jam, lancar2 aja.. Klo 1 pair aja (misal EU doank), pakai settingan profitable.. Tp klo main di 2 pair (berarti 2 chart / pair = 4 chart) pakai super aman, biar lot-nya bisa di setting.... Tiap pair perlu minimal modal 10k dgn , dgn risk rasio-nya 2% (baik di buy ataupun di sell di set sama) biar tdk senam jantung.. Jadi klo main 2 pair, modal minimumnya 20k, dgn lot masing2 pair 0.02 lot (baik di buy ataupun di sell di set sama di setiap pair-nya)..

Settingan SuperAman dan Profitable hampir sama, yaitu : TP 30, PipStep 30, lot exponent 1.333.. Bedanya hanya pake MM di Profitable dgn risk 2%, sementara di SuperAman, lot-nya di set manual biar bisa disesuaikan dgn modal dan jumlah pair-nya..

Kurang lebih seperti itu.. Mohon agan wisnu dan agan nikimura koreksi bila ane ada salah.. :blush:
hi dear, i have back tested this robot and found useless.
actually this is martingale based and time based robot. as u know the eurusd move very sharply bearish and took buy trades which banged accounts of lot of traders.
please do not use this robot, however u may use ADENAN that is better than ur robot.
hi dear, i have back tested this robot and found useless.
actually this is martingale based and time based robot. as u know the eurusd move very sharply bearish and took buy trades which banged accounts of lot of traders.
please do not use this robot, however u may use ADENAN that is better than ur robot.

Which robot you talking about? We're talking about Adenan robot here, the one that I explain.. And its Adenan thread.. or you make post at wrong thread? :think:
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