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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA EA Adenan Scalping. daily profit 10-30%

Owh.. kirain agan pake Adenan dgn default set.. Klo adenan dgn default set, berarti hanya buy doank, terus tunggu close.. bila stlh close candle ke bawah, dia sell.. jadi ga hedging.. Klo pake HitmanV3-Light spt sama jg gan.. Klo ane cara nyetirin Light spt ini :
1. Ane set max Buy dan max Sell di 15..
2. Bila udah ada yg ke floating maximum di 15, baru ane setirin, misalnya klo kira2 (dari jarak 3 pips) sudah sampe 6 pips dr OP terakhir, ane tambahin 1, jadi max Buy-nya jadi 16.. Jadi dia langsung OP begitu ditambah max op buy-nya.. Masih ke floating, ane lihat2 dulu, bisa ane tambahin pipstep-nya atau tetap tiap 6 pips... gt gan..
3. Biasanya ane main di TF M5, bila udah OP kegedean dan nyampe max OP Buy, maka ane ubah jadi TF M1, biar Sell cepet buka, sementara si Buy ikutin rules #2 tadi..

Begitu gan.. :)
Btw saya mau tanyaagan resa2410, saya sudah coba di real. Trus ngatur taking profitnya gimana tak cari kok gak ada. Maksud saya taking profit yang setelah beberapa OP katakanlah Buy 10 OP nah saat harga naik kan sudah + floatingnnya katakanlah sudah +10 cen lebih, ni ga segera tutup OP keburu minus lagi. Mohon pencerahannya...
Btw saya mau tanyaagan resa2410, saya sudah coba di real. Trus ngatur taking profitnya gimana tak cari kok gak ada. Maksud saya taking profit yang setelah beberapa OP katakanlah Buy 10 OP nah saat harga naik kan sudah + floatingnnya katakanlah sudah +10 cen lebih, ni ga segera tutup OP keburu minus lagi. Mohon pencerahannya...
TP-nya dalam pips gan.. Tdk ada TP dalam $ klo hitmanV3-Light... Sama spt Adenan/Jacksen, TP-nya dalam pips semua..
[QUOTE = "Lewandowski, pós: 73 553, os membros: 7705"]. Hoje +137 pips e 0,38 € (microaccount), desde 1 de Janeiro de 1349 pips e € 3,80 [/ QUOTE]
What is your setup?
this is two direction version, first Only Short and second Only Long, best results in range market like last week.


  • 2016-01-15 EURJPYM30.png
    2016-01-15 EURJPYM30.png
    231.9 KB · Views: 165
[QUOTE = "Lewandowski, pós: 73 553, os membros: 7705"]. Hoje +137 pips e 0,38 € (microaccount), desde 1 de Janeiro de 1349 pips e € 3,80 [/ QUOTE]
What is your setup?

__1__=Lot Multiplier
__2__= Turn on/off Martingale,  1=on. or 2=off.
__3__=Initial lot:
_____=true = Fixed Lot, false = Account Balance
__4__=Take Profit in Pips
__5__=Distance between orders
__6__=Max Number of trades
__7__=Stop Loss
__8__=Magic Number Must Be Different for Each Chart
__9__=logo and output
S1= Start End Hour

3-19 it's a Cypriot time
Anyone here who can help me with my problem with FX Pro Expert Jacksen Modif v2.1: Normally I use Jacksen Modif in TF 1h, so it should open one trade every hour. Most of the time it does. But sometimes it doesn't open any trade for many hours. So it effectly stops working. Thats bad if the chart moves away! I'm talkin about real accounts. This problem appears with all the brokers I tried. Further: Normally a trade opens when i change TF. But it doesn't when the problem appers. It doesn't help if I restart the metatrader. (I have not reached the number of Max Trades. The chart is also far away from the Pip Step - If the Pip Step is used for opening new trades (Can anyone explain the exact function of Pip Step too ;) )) Please answer in english :)
Check on Start_Hour and End_Hour... And also check on your broker for allowed Maximum Opened Position..
About Pip step, it is range between OP... If u put 3, it means next OP is minimum 3 pips away from last OP...
Thanks for your reply. I think the new OP has to be 3 pips away from all open Trades?! I have many open Trades on USDCAD now and it only opens a Trade when it is out of the range of the open trades. Do you think this EA also works on selling USDCAD? Yesterday i started selling USDCAD and it's only moving upwards :/
Yes, its works on selling USDCAD... And if you only put 1 chart, then when u put this EA and candle goes up, then it only open BUY.. Thats why many of us open 2 chart, 1 chart for LONG ONLY (Buy Only), and 1 chart for SHORT ONLY (Sell Only)... so its like hedging.. and no matter where price goes, there will be TP waiting.. :)
I use this 2-Chart-Technique. My broker said the EA creats too much signals. He allows 10.000/day and I have more than 100.000/ day :D After editing the code it works much better (Adapting the TP every second isn't necassayr I guess). Now the EA works well for one strategy. For example it runs good on the sell strategy but meanwhile it negtlects the buy strategy... :/ I hope I find out the problem... and I can post it here
Ah.. nice.. Share ur EA here when u finish solving that problem.. :D
no problem, here you have:

multiplier: 1,3
lot: 0,02 (minimum account I think should be 5000E, i have microaccounts with 5000 eurocents);
TP = 400 (40 pips);
step = 130 (13 pips)
MaxTrades:12  (ever 9 is enough);
OpenHour: 3
CloseHour: 19 (Cyprus time)
Friday: On
without Equity Stop Loss
TF M30
no problem, here you have:

multiplier: 1,3
lot: 0,02 (minimum account I think should be 5000E, i have microaccounts with 5000 eurocents);
TP = 400 (40 pips);
step = 130 (13 pips)
MaxTrades:12  (ever 9 is enough);
OpenHour: 3
CloseHour: 19 (Cyprus time)
Friday: On
without Equity Stop Loss
TF M30
what is the ea? can share here? because this forum hv many vesi