i am very interested to use this system soon as it is ready! please allow me to become beta tester if this can be an option? i have several years experience trading lots lots of ea's but never finding constant success... sure some times i find success but does not last too long because eventually market takes away the profits and also the capital... the concept of this forum has really struck a chord with me because i have been hurt by this market and very determined to find some kind of success... i do not give up and leave, when i get a loss then i become more determined to find my way to profits... anyways i hope that i can contribute with feedback that can help to improve or at the least then i can give my testimonial about how the system works for me
i love the idea that we can all help each other to make profits with this forex market - money is never lost, it only changes hands! so let's put some of that money in to our hands and stop giving it away to the banks/funds/etc... cheers everyone! and thank you!