sekedar saran bossYou post out off topic. Yes this EA is never...and never shared, and you should know. If you buy VPS you get VPS services, not EA.
Remember this :
All of Like EA and Like EA Signals in this forum ,the purposes is what the EA seller or the Signal providers really honest and profitable ?
Before you buy an EA or signal that certainly paid subscription, this Forum support by SocialVPS trying to help what the user want for Free.
Forum is never advocate or recommend / warrantly any profitable EA
After a few months you can try it certainly has to decide whether to continue using the EA either request in this forum or buy directly to the seller or paid provider signal
sepertinya banyak yang salah paham mengenai EA yang ada di menu download social vps, menyikapi hal tersebut saya menyarankan 2 hal
1. ea yang tidak jalan dihapus dari menu download
2. dituliskan bahwa EA adalah bonus VPS dan diluar tanggung jawab social vps
terimakasih boss