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Suggestion CS Engulfing EA (currency strength +PA +SR)


You said that the lots depended on the balance of the account. This morning I had a balance of 929 euros and opened trades of 0.06 lots. Later my balance was 939 euros (+10 euros) and the following trades that opened were 0.11 lots. Is it normal for the ea to add 0.05 lots for such a small increase in the account?
1% risk per trade
MAIN mean the base currency
SECOND Mean the other currency in the synbol
TP_Points for the first trade
TP_Points2 for the second trade
sladd no. of pips added to the support or resistance
Trail_Points you know
Trail_Step you knos
CSBuyMain the strength of the base currency should be equal or above the number you put to buy
CsSellsecond the strength of the other currency in symbol should be equal or below the no you put to sell it (mean buy the pair)
CSSellMain the strength of the base currency should be equal or below the number you put to sell
CSBUySecond the strength of the other currency in symbol should be equal or above the number you put to buy(mean sell the pair)
CSBUYEngulfingOUT buy above the resistance
CSBUYEngulfingOUT2 second trade buy above resistance and will be trailed after the first trade closed with profit
CSBUYEngulfingIN buy in side the zone on support
CSBUYEngulfingIN2 second buy in trade
CSSELLEngulfingOUT Vice Versa
CSSELLEngulfingOUT2 Vice Versa
CSSELLEngulfingIN Vice Versa
CSSELLEngulfingIN2 Vice Versa
ATR Period of Atr Indicator
ATRValue no. of atr equal or above to open trade

NextOpenTradeAfterBars next open trade after time (Bar)

TOD_From_Hour //time of the day
TOD_From_Min //time of the day
TOD_To_Hour /time of the day
TOD_To_Min time of the day
MM_Percent Risk Per Trade
MaxSpread Max Allowed Spread
MaxSlippage You Know

Hedging mean open buy and sell together if there is signals for both (Rarely Happened)
MAIN mean the base currency
SECOND Mean the other currency in the synbol
TP_Points for the first trade
TP_Points2 for the second trade
sladd no. of pips added to the support or resistance
Trail_Points you know
Trail_Step you knos
CSBuyMain the strength of the base currency should be equal or above the number you put to buy
CsSellsecond the strength of the other currency in symbol should be equal or below the no you put to sell it (mean buy the pair)
CSSellMain the strength of the base currency should be equal or below the number you put to sell
CSBUySecond the strength of the other currency in symbol should be equal or above the number you put to buy(mean sell the pair)
CSBUYEngulfingOUT buy above the resistance
CSBUYEngulfingOUT2 second trade buy above resistance and will be trailed after the first trade closed with profit
CSBUYEngulfingIN buy in side the zone on support
CSBUYEngulfingIN2 second buy in trade
CSSELLEngulfingOUT Vice Versa
CSSELLEngulfingOUT2 Vice Versa
CSSELLEngulfingIN Vice Versa
CSSELLEngulfingIN2 Vice Versa
ATR Period of Atr Indicator
ATRValue no. of atr equal or above to open trade

NextOpenTradeAfterBars next open trade after time (Bar)

TOD_From_Hour //time of the day
TOD_From_Min //time of the day
TOD_To_Hour /time of the day
TOD_To_Min time of the day
MM_Percent Risk Per Trade
MaxSpread Max Allowed Spread
MaxSlippage You Know

Hedging mean open buy and sell together if there is signals for both (Rarely Happened)

Thanks a million :) my only Q is if you think ATRValue will be 4/5 digit broker dependent or the value should be same in both scenarios?

Again, thank you for sharing

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Thanks a million :) my only Q is if you think ATRValue will be 4/5 digit broker dependent or the value should be same in both scenarios?

Again, thank you for sharing

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps

I actually have two questions.
1) if you think ATRValue will be 4/5 digit broker dependent or the value should be same in both scenarios?
2) if you set maxOpenTrades to 1, will it then open the regular TP trade or the trialling?
I actually have two questions.
1) if you think ATRValue will be 4/5 digit broker dependent or the value should be same in both scenarios?
2) if you set maxOpenTrades to 1, will it then open the regular TP trade or the trialling?
1-think to be the same for 4 digit
2- regular