We want to announce the fair way to determine will get the $50.
We will use the 3rd digit of Closed Price of TF H1 (60 minutes) of EURUSD, GBPUSD and EURGBP at open time : 13.00.00, marked by arrows.
For example, if the close price of that candle in EURUSD = 1.11
073. So if your
FIRST REPLY number in this thread is
073 then you will be the first user who get it for this session. We only count FIRST REPLY. Even if you believe or not about our 1st post mentioned in this thread, you will get it. But if your content is negative at that post or at anywhere, then the money will be given to the man who comment after you. Because we only give money for them who can be happy with us. For this case, the next poster number is
By this way nobody will judge us do unfair. It is fair enough we think.
The money does not comes from the WD of the account in the first post. Bu we see that some users is very impatient to wait, thats why we give it. At least some of you got it