Coba kalau open sell ya gan bisa mantab jiwa profitnyuaGila EU drop jauh bingits.....wkkwkwkkw
Untung EA gak OP di EU....selamat sentosa
kalau ane juga gak op di eu tapi masih nahan buy di GJ
semoga masih lanjut naiknya
Coba kalau open sell ya gan bisa mantab jiwa profitnyuaGila EU drop jauh bingits.....wkkwkwkkw
Untung EA gak OP di EU....selamat sentosa
Would you mind to share your renko EA?
So you use Biawak EA on offline renko chart right? I don't know why my renko chart won't open position
And when using Biawak on renko chart, the FFC won't load![]()
hi.. which version you used ?Yeah, I'm still using this EA, still got profit every day![]()
Same with me.I just loaded V5.1.3 onto the chart. I was wondering why it still shows as revision 1.2. Does anyone show revision 1.3? Thanks.
Was expired....please contact author...for getting V5.1.3there is problem ??
Kalau boleh tahu pakai broker n leverage brp Gan??Share hasil biawak predator ea......sedikit edit settingan....sehari lumayan gak banyak-banyak penting dapat hasil....
Mana nih Tsnya...kok gak muncul lama ya....[emoji16] [emoji16] [emoji16]
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My Max DD is on this monday about 3000USD on cent account
Hi mas heri, can you share your renko chart generator? When I'm using my renko, the EA won't open any position since monday![]()
this one : can I contact him ?
mantab gan lalu bagaimana hasilnyaAne pakai broker ecn...komisi minimal 0.06 tiap trx mas broo....
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Buat minggu kmarin lumayan mas broo...yg byk trx di aud/jpy laine jarang op...kalau mgg ini blm ada op kmarin ampeknhari ini.....hehehehehmantab gan lalu bagaimana hasilnya
mungkinkah preofitable, minggu ini ane profit dikit di akun mikro firewoodfx
Msh mas broo...tpi setingan di rubah dikit sesuai mm dan tf biar jantung gk berdebar....wkwkwkskApakah ea predator masi profitable?
Msh mas broo...tpi setingan di rubah dikit sesuai mm dan tf biar jantung gk berdebar....wkwkwksk
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