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New EA [B]iawak Predator V-4.4 [Updated]

I dont know about you guys, but in my live tickmill, its seems not much open position like demo account before, and i really dont know why
Hi Dud...
thank you for chit-chat and discuss on my thread...
nice results today...
EA sent to all participants that i think is qualify to get free lifetime. 99% qualified ...
happy profits....
I am still waiting for my license, but the oroginal EA still trading :)
I dont know about you guys, but in my live tickmill, its seems not much open position like demo account before, and i really dont know why
I've noticed the same thing, but when I tried to switch to 5m and 15m chart, it opened positions. try doing that and let me know if it worked. gl
Today's result:

What a good EA so far [emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Bubby this EA only for predators fight or die

....ALL OR NOTHING !!!!!..... Make $$$$$$ ....or GET AWAY from this Thread !!!!!!


I told you, i'm gonna go to the Authorities for asking to change my Surname in [...GUESS WHAT ???] >>> alwaysprofit ...i'll show you my ID after that...
Bubby can you explain why creator of this ea gave name Predator???

Already did it !!!... 'Cause here >>> WE ALL ARE ...FINANCIAL MARKETS PREDATORS !!!... blame it on our Bro alwaysprofit "Master-EA-Creator" ...He's Always in Profit !!!... even US, THANKS to HIM !!!!!!!
yes ,i know that ,but there still no trades on real,so backtesting。。。。。but also no more trades

I had a similar situation on Monday - NO Trades for 12 hours !!!.... you can read it in my previous Posts... just be PATIENT, buddy !!! But if you have Error Messages in the Experts-Tab, just Post here a Screenshot and i'll be glad to give you a hand,,, You could Start with at least 3 main Pairs [...as i did!] - let's say EU, GU, UJ and when you'll feel more comfortable you can add - say AJ, EJ, GJ - so i did !!! These days, the JPY Pairs are making more $$$..........

Also, depends of your Broker's trading Conditions and.... the VPS ping to your Broker's SERVER..... Hope you're NOT! trading from your Home PC !!!

Please, see the Sets - file that i've Uploaded here !!!... Believe me, are GOOD & SAFE !!!

Cheers, ecto !!!

Today's result:

What a good EA so far [emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps

HECK !!!... I do believe you, why you say that..... You have a 3k Acc. right, pal ??? ...if on AutoLot.... if you're NOT HAPPY ....i am happy for you...!!!!

Just keep it up, pal !!!

I've noticed the same thing, but when I tried to switch to 5m and 15m chart, it opened positions. try doing that and let me know if it worked. gl

WARNING! :danger:

Guys, DON'T do this for your GOOD !!!... DON'T CHANGE THE TF !!!... The Algos inside the Programming Code of this VERY PARTICULAR EA work
TF = M1, all the recommended Pairs !!! Please, don't "PLAY - Dangerous Games" with this kind of things - ALL CONSEQUENT RISKS FROM

>>> This is NOT! a stupid Joke! You could lose your MONEY ...for REAL! <<<

For sure this EA can Open Trades on Different Timeframes, but the Market-Entries are NOT Accurate and of course you could BURN OUT! your Acc. Balance... Only on TF M1 has such a GREAT Performance!... So, PLEASE, do EXACTLY what the "Creator" of this EA told you to do: NOT Less! NOT More !!!

