sehari dptnya segitu ,modal berapa results
I am still waiting for my license, but the oroginal EA still tradingHi Dud...
thank you for chit-chat and discuss on my thread...
nice results today...
EA sent to all participants that i think is qualify to get free lifetime. 99% qualified ...
happy profits....
I've noticed the same thing, but when I tried to switch to 5m and 15m chart, it opened positions. try doing that and let me know if it worked. glI dont know about you guys, but in my live tickmill, its seems not much open position like demo account before, and i really dont know why
@avinigav >>> Means that Version 4.7 has EXPIRED on 2017/08/20 ....Doesn't work anymore !!!!!!! Needs the last one ....Updated !!!
Guys, what are the pairs that are most profitable so far?
Good.Today's result:
What a good EA so far [emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]
Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Bubby this EA only for predators fight or die
I think it will be GU with TF 1M
Bubby can you explain why creator of this ea gave name Predator???
yes ,i know that ,but there still no trades on real,so backtesting。。。。。but also no more trades
Today's result:
What a good EA so far [emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]
Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
How i can get update?
I've noticed the same thing, but when I tried to switch to 5m and 15m chart, it opened positions. try doing that and let me know if it worked. gl