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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA [B]iawak Predator V-4.4 [Updated]

i have a broker with GMT +0 , and one with GMT+3 (I change timezon on vps to GMT+3) how to setup eas settings timezon for broker with GMT +0 ?
default working hours is GMT+3 Timezone.... if your broker GMT+0 ...so it easy...just add in input menu... TimeZone = 3 ...
Not only Reviews good but EA is also good . if someone has fear of loosing he never wins in forex.
thanks for sharing such Wonderful EA
I was confused, is it this EA v4.7 still working? because today still it doesn't execute any trades.
Maybe choosing broker also can causing these problem which different server might can making ea not work
I am not use ea but trying use micro account on firewoodfx, you can try it on cent account maybe
No, I am right, heri saja.... are you lying? please don't, it is not funny. I attach the trades made by Bpredator real account. showing that open trades made on 4/8/2017.


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Mas broi...filter news itu sumbernya dari forex factory ya??klo sumber lain gmn??yg lebih akurat soale ini tdi malam news mom kan low impact tpi di chart lumayan berpengaruh skitar kurang lebih 500 poin....dropnya

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Mas broi...filter news itu sumbernya dari forex factory ya??klo sumber lain gmn??yg lebih akurat soale ini tdi malam news mom kan low impact tpi di chart lumayan berpengaruh skitar kurang lebih 500 poin....dropnya

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps

Koreksi ampek 1000 pips mas broo....di indikator lain masuk high impact tpi di indi ea agan masuk low impact....saran aja mas broo

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Update ane close manual aja soalnya udah open dari lot 0.01 ampek 0.05... tapi msh opit $5 ...lumayan daripada elo manyun katanya.....sepp sejauh ini eanya....heheheh
Update ane close manual aja soalnya udah open dari lot 0.01 ampek 0.05... tapi msh opit $5 ...lumayan daripada elo manyun katanya.....sepp sejauh ini eanya....heheheh
Iya gan daripada manyun tapi memang bagus ini ya gan buaya sama biawak ini jadi tukang mangsa pips di pasar forex
mungkin bisa dibatasi maksimum lot yang boleh gan biar buaya tidak membabi buta
FBS Monitoring Live Account has been blown up.Any big unilateral trade are at risk.


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