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ya i know how to solve these issue on XM ... first you need to know average spreads on XM type account...
Right-klik on Market watch menu....and choose "spread" displaying average spread... so if the spread average is 22-27 ..you need to adjust Max Spread at input menu to ex. 30 .... and for the second issue... right-klik on pair ex. GBPUSD choose Spesification... and on Pop-Up table displaying Stop Out Level ...ex..is 50... so this is Stop out level 50 based minimum to trailingstart.... and i think XM not suitable for my EA...cos stop out level too wide....
hope can help you...
Ya it helps.. im currently running fbs real but testing xm demo n keep adjusting the setting to find the most suitable in case there are ppl out there who needs xm setting.. hmm..
Thanks alot.. my fbs real is now alwaysprofit same like ur name..