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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA [B]iawak Predator V-4.4 [Updated]

ya i know how to solve these issue on XM ... first you need to know average spreads on XM type account...
Right-klik on Market watch menu....and choose "spread" displaying average spread... so if the spread average is 22-27 ..you need to adjust Max Spread at input menu to ex. 30 .... and for the second issue... right-klik on pair ex. GBPUSD choose Spesification... and on Pop-Up table displaying Stop Out Level ...ex..is 50... so this is Stop out level 50 based minimum to trailingstart.... and i think XM not suitable for my EA...cos stop out level too wide....
hope can help you...

Ya it helps.. im currently running fbs real but testing xm demo n keep adjusting the setting to find the most suitable in case there are ppl out there who needs xm setting.. hmm..

Thanks alot.. my fbs real is now alwaysprofit same like ur name.. :rock::rock:
Apa iya kalau dengan jumlah dibawah angka itu gak bisa op,
kalau demikian bisa jadi memang butuh modal gede juga kalau sudah menggunakan ea ini
tapi bisa kali kalau seting lot sesuai modal
ya i know how to solve these issue on XM ... first you need to know average spreads on XM type account...
Right-klik on Market watch menu....and choose "spread" displaying average spread... so if the spread average is 22-27 ..you need to adjust Max Spread at input menu to ex. 30 .... and for the second issue... right-klik on pair ex. GBPUSD choose Spesification... and on Pop-Up table displaying Stop Out Level ...ex..is 50... so this is Stop out level 50 based minimum to trailingstart.... and i think XM not suitable for my EA...cos stop out level too wide....
hope can help you...

thanks for explanation. i will run it on my fbs acc.
many thanks alwaysprofit and williamyeong89 ;)
Demo account...

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Yes i know how martiangle work...
Need more margin..
But first signal to place trade in my EA is accurate...
boss just to comfort our self, what is the first signal you use? this ea is great..you are so smart i like it so much particularly on the trailing stop.. on friday no trading ar all ya?
Yes end of July... Tester/feed-backer will get lifetime license... I just need if on the future EA any error for filtering news... Like EA still working while on news comes.. Because FFC indicator maybe have a bug... As FFC owner says.. .
so far so good boss. I have tested on life account and the result is good..no errors or bug on news...what feedback you need boss? I wish I could get the lifetime license
This is my review for this thread:
The best EA that i came across so far.. but Im only tested for one week..hope this EA will consistently make profit
Dear agan alwaysprofit, why in forex calendar in my vps still Wed, Jul 12 ? and in pepperstone there is open trade for AUDUSD, is not that on friday EA should no open trade ?
