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no brother.... absolutely... hit profit...just wait ...My FT result, open demo yesterday,
Dear agan alwaysprofit, is there any cut loss when max trade is 5 but market still in wrong direction? or option for martiangle off ?
no brother.... absolutely... hit profit...just wait ...My FT result, open demo yesterday,
Dear agan alwaysprofit, is there any cut loss when max trade is 5 but market still in wrong direction? or option for martiangle off ?
please restart mt4 terminal...Hello Dear,.
Please help,..
How to solve this error
mantap gan... happy profit...setelah selesai membaca semua hasil FT set sana sini, akhirnya memberanikan diri FT juga.. modal 2 USC di exness
server : exness real-2
inv-pass : CobaBiawakJuli1
time start : 13 Juli 2017 / 10.36 WIB
kondisi : 1 pair GU, set default
tidak pakai VPS, menggunakan CPU sendiri yg on 7x24 per hari ...
semoga sesuai ekspektasi dan hasil FT teman teman semua...
klik ..Tools > Options > Expert Advisor ...allow dll imports... tolong FFC nga jangan di attached ke cart...remove indicator FFC nya dari cartsaya error di ini, padhal sudah saya centang
please restart Mt4Anyone have idea about this error ?
Broker XM lot 0.01 300$(zero) balance with default setting, but exness working fine (ecn)
By the way result from Backtesting and forward testing on demo acc very impressive.
Thank for sharing great EA.
buset ngerii...berapa pairs ini...WOW.... MAGIC... FANTASTIC... EA dalam 1 hari transaksi hari ini 12 juli PROFIT hampir 100% silahkan lihat mau pun BUKTIKAN..!!!!!!
saya berikan :
server FBS-Demo
ACC : 5931623
pass inv : e4xelmv
EA nya benar2 mantap............
View attachment 31789
very nice...happy profit..Profit so far for my FIBO cent account. Started this week with USD200 (USC20,000). Account up 40%
View attachment 31793
selain berita yang disebutkan ..pasti aman...Ada news yang masuk high impact hari ini yang berwarna merah untuk usd
mungkin akan tetap bertahan ea ini untuk tetap exist
atau ea ini akan berhenti kalau ada news merah tersebut
yes if you need FFC displaying time match with broker timezone its not problem... so correct you change vps timezone match with broker timezone... very nice...Hello alwaysprofit I tested your EA with a GMT+2 broker and a VPS with timezone of GMT+1 for some reason the FFC show the news ahead of schedule. I had to change the VPS timezone to match the broker timezone to get the FFC to display correctly. Is there a way to just set the FFC time to broker time instead of PC time?
klik ..Tools > Options > Expert Advisor ...allow dll imports... tolong FFC nga jangan di attached ke cart...remove indicator FFC nya dari cart
mantapp...aminn...Siap om, sudah dilaksanakan...
semoga sepeerti yg diharapkan .. hehehhe\![]()
Profit so far for my FIBO cent account. Started this week with USD200 (USC20,000). Account up 40%
View attachment 31793
As it's a cent account, I started with 1 lotHi pacpar ,
thx for your Statement. Which starting lot you use?
coba restart mt4 nya.... spertiyan msh ada kesalalahn inimaaf suhu,,,,,udah saya centang Allow DLL nya tapi teteap mash ada notifikasi seperti ini,,
Tolong Pencerahanya.....
very nice results... happy profit....11 Days running standard account deposit 83$.thank you"alwaysprofit"![]()