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Update Version 5.7..Soonly ...
Update Version 5.7..Soonly ...
absolutely yess...can i get eny version who work on real without expiry date
Start 7/3/2018 with 1000 € DEMO ACCOUNT FBS STANDARD , in 9 days € 1290 profit
this real account ICMarket start 7/9/2018 with 758 € and in 4 days € 320 profit
as soon as the trial expires I think will take the licensed version
yesss normal....I run first day cent account
Open order at 14.00 gmt +3
That normal working? ?
thank you...Excellent sharing
really nice job sir...wainting for a new improvement!!!Update Version 5.7 soonly...
- Increase profit ability...
- Decrease drawdown...
- Trailing Takeprofit
- Dynamic step distance
- Stop when profits reached % / $
- Stop when loss % / $ reached
I think is very important and fundamental , don't forget about it's a martingale EA , and MUST to be withdrawel often , i mean if u start with 500 dollars , wait for a double of account then take 500 dollars and put in bank and start again...its more safe don't understimate this factor....this real account ICMarket start 7/9/2018 with 758 € and in 4 days € 320 profit
as soon as the trial expires I think will tak
It should be after restart mt4 back to normal again ...by the way ...how many gigabyte your VPS RAM..Even now, i closed the live mt4 account just to restart it but it won't open,,, how can i rectify this issue???? please help oooo
Yess sangat cocok ..ijin makek om,,, fbs cent cocok kah om ?
buat ea ini ?
Monggo gan..ijin cobain juga....
Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk
Mantab gan, profit 80% sudah sangat fantastissangat profitable....jalan 3 hari profit udah 80% dari modal
Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
pakai standard mas broo.....heheheMantab gan, profit 80% sudah sangat fantastis
pakai akun standart atau mikro gan
suuuppperrrrrbbbbsangat profitable....jalan 3 hari profit udah 80% dari modal
Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps