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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA Auto Trading Portfolio (Free EA, No Expiration)

We strongly suggest you to wait until we release all of 10 EAs, and set the risk level to 0.1 or 10 if you're using XM micro account.

Risk level 0.1 means 0.01 lot per 10000, if your balance is 50000 then it should be 0.05 lot.

Still, we recommend you to use demo account first.
Hi autotradingportfolio,
I need to share many results (and questions) with you about ATP_prototype. Can you send me a mail on my personnal adress ([email protected]) in order to send you these results (uploading here is not possible because weight too high - limited on the forum) ?
Kalo modalnya $500, saran saya tunggu dulu sampai versi 4.0 release semua untuk 10 pairs.

Setelah itu ambil $100, konvert ke akun sen yang minimal lot nya 0.01 lot, jadinya 10000 sen. Jalankan ke 10 EA secara bersamaan, jangan lupa turunkan risk level dari 1 ke 0.1, tunggu beberapa bulan, kalo sudah mantap, mau ditambahkan modal juga silahkan

Tapi kalo belum mantap silahkan pakai akun demo dulu saja.
memang beresiko ya kalau cuma pakai 1 EA aja ,soalnya kalo akun cent profitnya kecil
Hi autotradingportfolio,
Just a little technical question... I think this is right but can you please confirm me that each order, on each pair, is independant from all the other orders ?
Hi autotradingportfolio,
Just a little technical question... I think this is right but can you please confirm me that each order, on each pair, is independant from all the other orders ?
Hi Jean-Leon

Yes, you're correct each order comes from independent trading strategy, they won't interfere each others.

You can distinguish them from the magic number, same magic numbers means same strategy and vice versa.

There's only one open order per magic number or per strategy. All open orders must have different magic numbers.

Best regards.
Hi Jean-Leon

Yes, you're correct each order comes from independent trading strategy, they won't interfere each others.

You can distinguish them from the magic number, same magic numbers means same strategy and vice versa.

There's only one open order per magic number or per strategy. All open orders must have different magic numbers.

Best regards.
Ok Autotradingportfolio,
That's what i understood. I saw the differents magic numbers but you could have differents technics with differents entries and the same issue for all trades on one pair. That the reason why I asked you about. Thanks for your reply,
Do you mean the EURGBP EA?
No, differents magic number inside the same pair (each strategy has it own magic inside "global magic" of the pair). But sometimes, in the differents pairs, on my backtests, one or two or three orders exit at the same time... so my question was : are they totaly independant ? Now, it's clear for me. Thanks.
i already try this ea on my demo account for 4 days (i used 10 pairs) first day i lost 11++usd with closing order, second day i profit 10++, the third no no tp but my dd is profit maximum 100++usd, this few days dd is about from -20++ to positif 100++ up down up down for many times, the forth day no tp and my dd is 30++, may i know can i close the order and take profit manual (closed all order) when the profit is about 100++ in dd? or i just waiting the ea to do the closing automatically? (i ask for take profit manually is not because i can't wait until tp point but is because i found the dd is up down up down in this few day so just i want take profit manually and let ea open new order again)
mr autotradingportfolia, am i doing wrong action and decision with manually take profit? waiting for yr and other member suggestion,tq
i already try this ea on my demo account for 4 days (i used 10 pairs) first day i lost 11++usd with closing order, second day i profit 10++, the third no no tp but my dd is profit maximum 100++usd, this few days dd is about from -20++ to positif 100++ up down up down for many times, the forth day no tp and my dd is 30++, may i know can i close the order and take profit manual (closed all order) when the profit is about 100++ in dd? or i just waiting the ea to do the closing automatically? (i ask for take profit manually is not because i can't wait until tp point but is because i found the dd is up down up down in this few day so just i want take profit manually and let ea open new order again)
mr autotradingportfolia, am i doing wrong action and decision with manually take profit? waiting for yr and other member suggestion,tq
Didn't you read the pdf report? The trades and drawdown can last up to one year. Especially if you're using version 2.0 or 2.9.

Also Jean-Leon also made very great observation, you'll need at least 3 months berfore start getting the result, however the result is not guaranteed.

We suggest you to wait until we finish all of 10 EAs (version 4.0), once it's released, run and don't mix it with other version. If you're using version 2.0/2.9 and demo account. Please remove the EA and close all trades manually, then wait and run all v4.0 EAs when all of the EAs are released.

But if you're trading on real account just wait until the EA close all open orders itself.

Best regards.