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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Suggestion 24% Percent With 5% DD in Less than 6 Days (Verified)

Hello sir

Account 11573564
Server ThinkForexAU-Demo

Hello Traders,:rock::rock::rock:

Today I am Offering the Perfect EA ever (EL KENZ V4.06), this EA has Been designed and created to Generate The Perfect Profit with Low DD, this EA has a special design to reach the required Targets working on All Pairs.

The EA currently Running on 2 VPS (1st with Low-Risk Trading and the 2nd with Standard Risk Matrix) and Expected to generate More than 50% Per Month & DD Till now Almost 5%

This EA works On 15M TF

Just Attach The EA to One Chart and start generating Profits :clap::clap::clap::rock::rock::party::party::party:

How It Works :

Open All the 28 Pair on the Market Watch, and attach the EA to One Chart

N.B We are currently Working on More Enhancement for more Profits and Lower Risk.

Capital :

Minimum: 100$ for 0.01 Lot Size

Note: you Can't Run Backtest.


Recommended Broker is Think Markets Zero Account

Create your Live/Demo Account from This Link

Get Your Free Copy NOWWWWWWWWW:

Send your Account Number and Capital and we will send your personalized EA Via Email or Direct Message

Minimum: 100$ for 0.01 Lot Size

Note: you Can't Run Backtest.

EA is Totaly Free for accounts Below 1000 USD

MQL Link :
Low-Risk Trading :

Standard-Risk Trading :
since I am regularly Updating the EA for Better results, and I can't send a personalized copy for each one, for those who Need to Test
so I decided to remove the Account No Limitation to be able to send regular updates, Last Updates attached


since I am regularly Updating the EA for Better results, and I can't send a personalized copy for each one, for those who Need to Test
so I decided to remove the Account No Limitation to be able to send regular updates, Last Updates attached

Thanks for your generosity.
Is it possible to remove the Broker restriction too?
since I am regularly Updating the EA for Better results, and I can't send a personalized copy for each one, for those who Need to Test
so I decided to remove the Account No Limitation to be able to send regular updates, Last Updates attached

Already using ThinkForex account, but showing this error

Alert: Invalid Broker !!! This EA Designed to Work on ThinkMarkets ....For More Detils Please contact [email protected]
Sometimes felt annoying when trying ea but already expired date
why many or all ea created with expired date, why not unlimited.
too much loss today
