thank you Dr.TofyGuy , I have installed, loaded to tf15 eurusd, using the default settings.I made a small Update......Enjoy
it is Better to TRY the EA on Demo Account before Moving to a real account, and it is Free for you as Per your Account Balance
So Please Use ThinkMarkets for Better Testing results
Hello, Dr.tofyGuy,
account: 1531586
Server: ThinkForexUK-Demo 2
Thank you.
account: 815745
Server: ThinkForexAU-Demo
thank you Dr.TofyGuy , I have installed, loaded to tf15 eurusd, using the default settings.
Account: 11552840
capital: 1000
Hello, Dr.tofyGuy!
I dont see any EA for my acc, why??
OK!! I see YOU only give EA for people who has Think Markets, no I dont!!! Sorry!!!Where is your Think Markets Account NO ?