Recently I came across a female trader Anna Baskakova who has verified mybook results showing a 100% win rate trading currencies and Gold-- not a single loss over 2 years, which I thought was amazing!
Her trading system was said to be:
Trading System 100% plus result...
TS is based on a set of indicators - oscillator, trend and volume...on 7 correctly configured indicators, everything is simple"
Here is a snapshot of her performance in one of the real accounts she is trading:
View attachment 165943
Some of her trades:
View attachment 165944
And here is a snapshot of the system she uses to trade with zero losing trades:
View attachment 165945
Every day Anna is able to trade with zero losing trade using her 7 indicators setup as shown above.
This trading system seems to be the answer to many traders who are finding it hard to be profitable consistently, and to those who want to learn a winning system that she has assembled and proven by her several years of trading without a single loss as seen in her myfx book through the clever customisation of the settings for her 7 indicators.
Is anyone using her trading system or know the 7 indicators she is using? She does conduct coaching and I wonder whether anyone of us have taken her trading course before and can therefore provide feedback and share more about her trading system. Thanks.