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Suggestion I will make a Free EA with your Indicator

hi MASTER TANAKA ...please make EA on this good no repaint indicator.
1...trade signal to signal
3..magic number


Tanaka San, thank you so much for the revised version and EA is taking orders right on 3rd candle which is perfect, however now EA is taking orders on every signal, means when BUY is active and SELL signal appear, EA is taking that too, however as per BUY and SELL order = 1 only one order may active and another signal can be picked when previous order closed. I think instead of separate BUY and SELL order option, if it would be Max_Order than this will not happened.

Also my martingale is set to 30 pips but no martingale order picked.

Please check this short video on Everytick option as you told.



Order picking time on 3rd bar is perfect but if BUY or SELL or or it's martingale is active then another order should not be picked like any other EA.
I have a question.
You don't want to separate buy and sell max order?
For example, if you have buy order, then even sell signal comes, you don't want to place sell order?
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Hi Mr Tanaka san...

i tested the EA...
however, sometimes the EA can work properly by closing all trades to 20pips of last trade..
But sometimes the EA not closing the trades, and modified the TP by itself again..

another problem is sometimes the EA not triggering order at martingale Pipset gap.. is it because of market slippage? i set ea slippage to 100.

I did a video recording about this problem..
I hope you are able watch it to understand what i meant.

p/s: sorry about the video quality is not good. hope you can hear and see what the EA is doing..

Sorry, since your video voice is noisy I can not get fully what you explained.
Can you show the picture with some comment so that I can understand? Thanks.
View attachment 91302 田中さん、日本語でいいですか?









Tanaka San , have you read my previous post , ??

Here Repost it with My Forward Test Result , may you consider my request .

TWIN EA (Improved Hedging EA)

Idea For Tanaka San or other Coder here .

Twin EA for Improved Template, as answer to Tanaka San challenge to give Idea to improve already coded EA.

I Knew my Idea little bit difficult to code, but t think its very good idea worth to try, so consider try code my Idea if you have time and mood to code it.

I already try it in FT (the only way to test since the EA not compatible with the Idea , yet) and I think its sound idea, but the test is so slow since its real Forward test (since the EA not compatible with the idea so I use little tricky way, I run TWO same EA in same pair one buy only and one use sell only)

1. In some time EA will face time when it will suffer big drawdown , in one side ,... order Buy but price continue to drop or vice versa.
2. We Already try some different strategy in hedging but only little help, some even make worse.
3. We can let EA make Buy and Sell in same time , but we have no control buy side or sell side. it will ruin each other side since run in one EA and run in one logic. ex. martin not work correctly each side, do not close profit opportunity since other side is loosing, buy and sell do not balance and nothing we can do etc., .

Basically its Hedging IDEA
to cope with problem above , so lets make TWIN EA , Two EA combined in ONE EA , with same Logic same Template but work separately, only difference is one make SELL Only and ONE make BUY Only. It will automatically counterbalance each other . one side continue to make drawdown , other side will continue make profit to balance it.

In real trade even better strategy can be implemented, if one side continue to make big drawdown (and tend to dangerous because martin) , we can make little tweak on the fly, ex. if BUY Side make big drawdown and lot size already too big and dangerous , price tend to continue Dropping, we can make little tweak stop the BUY Side to make more order and change setting in SELL side increase lot size in sell side or increase max trade in SELL side to counter balance and lot size will balance and relatively save even total lot size is big since balance sell and buy. This strategy can make us have big profit in difficult time and still relatively save.

Almost perfect Hedging strategy since run in same EA, same logic , same Pair, same TF and we can control each side separately to counterbalance if needed.

To code is simply make Two separate Template use same logic , same indicator, work separately in same EA , and separate setting ( The Idea is simple but maybe little tricky to code since two template have to work separately) , no filter needed (except news filter maybe).

The EA template can be implemented in any EA with relatively frequent order both side, so if one side make wrong order (drawdown increase) other side will relatively quick to counterbalance it.

Really hope its possible to code and can make the idea reality.


If you consider my request , you can start with two of your EA attached here , but not limited to only the two that I already tested and seem the strategy worked.

Here Result Forward Test with 8 Pairs EA Price action Trend
View attachment 91232
Hi. I can try with ea_didi_index_mtf_alerts_lines_nmc.ex4
so make separate input for buy and sell?
What do you need to separate?
tp/sl/trailing/attack martin also?
Tanaka San, thank you so much for the revised version and EA is taking orders right on 3rd candle which is perfect, however now EA is taking orders on every signal, means when BUY is active and SELL signal appear, EA is taking that too, however as per BUY and SELL order = 1 only one order may active and another signal can be picked when previous order closed. I think instead of separate BUY and SELL order option, if it would be Max_Order than this will not happened.

Also my martingale is set to 30 pips but no martingale order picked.

Please check this short video on Everytick option as you told.



Order picking time on 3rd bar is perfect but if BUY or SELL or or it's martingale is active then another order should not be picked like any other EA.
Hi, I changed code not to separate buy & sell max order.
Please test.


Hi. I can try with ea_didi_index_mtf_alerts_lines_nmc.ex4
so make separate input for buy and sell?
What do you need to separate?
tp/sl/trailing/attack martin also?

All that possible, so we can control buy and sell behavior separately. If possible include separate manual input magic number, so we can control if we want buy and sell behave as different magic number or same magic number.
Dear Tanaka san

Thank you very much for response my email. I will explain roughly about parameters first :

·EA Type : RSI or RANDOM , When RSI will need to follow RSI condition below. When Random, only price move.

·RSI (Period) : Place 1stSell / Buy based on RSI(Period)

·Random : Randomly place 1st Sell or Buy

·Auto Buy : True/False : Allow EA to Buy automatically

·Auto Sell : True/False : Allow EA to Sell automatically

·Lot Exponent : To determine the Lot exponent 3rdorder . The 1stand 2ndorder are same lot

·Lots (Lot) : Initial Lot

·Take Profit(Point) : Count by Point (Exclude Spread)

·Profit 0 (Order) : Example EA are openning 5 trades, the trade 6th will calculate Lot size to make 5 openning trades become 0 Profit if hit Target (set by TakeProfit)

·Pipstep (Point) : When price are moved N Points , the EA trigger Buy/Sell . Exclude Spread.

·Order Buy Max (Order) : Maximum number of Buy position

·Order Sell Max (Order) : Maximum number of Sell Posistion

·Timeframes : Determine how RSI’s preiod

·Apply to : Open or Close price or bar/candle

·OPEN BUY <= : System will trigger Buy if Price move N points and RSI(Period) < this parameter

·OPEN SELL >= : System will trigger Sell if Price move N points and RSI(Period) > this parameter

System Logical :

1.Setup initial Lots for Intial Buy or Sell (Buy/Sell 1) by RSI(2) AND Price move XXX Point from when Auto Trading Enabled.

2.Price move N points (PipStep) AND RSI(Period) is : EA will open 2nd buy/sell and modify TARGET PRICE of combination Buy/Sell 1 + Buy/Sell 2. So both Buy/Sell 1 and Buy/Sell2 will have same TP

3.Price move N points : EA will open 3rd buy/sell with new Lots = LotExponent * Inital Lots and modify TP of Buy/Sell1 , Buy/Sell2, Buy/Sell3 so all 3 Positions will have same Target Price.

4.Continue until MAX Open Order is hit.

5.Buy/Sell determine by Random or RSI (Period)

6.There are 2 button : BUY LIMIT and SELL LIMIT and one Manual input Limit Price . This is to trigger last order to balance all Pre-Openned Positions and Modify TP of ALL positions to same TP (see images 2). This is key thing when want to system to SOFT CLOSE all position , will open last buy Manually by technical analyst .

Please help to add some features :

1.Start time , Stop time

-Before Start time , After Stop time : : OPEN BUY <=0, OPEN SELL >=100 : So AUTO TRADING Still keep enable without need to Stop.

-Between Start time and Stop time : Follow by Parameter

2.Add options to start Exponents Lot number from which orders (examples Exponents from 4thorders,…)

3.Option to select BUY&SELL , ONLY SELL , ONLY BUY

4.Basket Profit to close all orders same as your EA3strategies

5.STOP EA (SOFT STOP) Before Red news N hours


Thank you very much
Best regards
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All that possible, so we can control buy and sell behavior separately. If possible include separate manual input magic number, so we can control if we want buy and sell behave as different magic number or same magic number.
if indicator signal is Buy, then only buy order is placed, right?
You want to separate buy & sell order by magic number.
Hi guys;
my indicator try spider-slope-sma 1.0 .
I'm trying gold m 15.
Try it could work on other couples.



if indicator signal is Buy, then only buy order is placed, right?
You want to separate buy & sell order by magic number.

Right,, Ok use your latest template, if possible all template setting separately,,
important setting to be separated, Magic manual not automatic (if possible) Max order, Lot size, SL TP, Martin, profit same magic manual or percent,

filter only news filter (other filter is ok , even though, may not used)
Sorry, since your video voice is noisy I can not get fully what you explained.
Can you show the picture with some comment so that I can understand? Thanks.

Hi Mr Tanaka san..
Good day to you..

the EA still having 2 problems..

TP not modified to the last order even i had set in the EA.
It will have individual TP with 20pips but not as all trades follow last trade..



TP not followed my setting TP = 20pips..
it will still modified TP by itself on average.. this one i cannot show in picture.. because it is moving TP by the robot.
My previous video had the recording showing the EA modified the TP from 20pips to 30pip, then from 30pips to 50pips.

Here is another example the TP modified EA after the trades closed..but this one is close in loss.
For the BUY martingale.. it didnt closed with profits when all trades supposed to close with last order TP = 20pips.
But these BUYs order closed on losses later after..

I think this ea still having bugs / errors that need to be corrected..

Hope you can help to check and revise it.
Thanks in advance.


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