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Suggestion I will make a Free EA with your Indicator

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by winidecorw, 12 Jan 2018.

  1. Nolan38

    Nolan38 Member Credit Hunter

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    Hi, does anyone associate EA with a very low DD, which would be suitable for a real account of a small amount, eg 17 USD. However, is everything a martingale strategy and sooner or later the account will be burned.
  2. abedalnasser

    abedalnasser Member Credit Hunter

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    Sir Tanaka could you make an EA base on this indicator

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  3. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    I am checking each indicator signal and found that it has a little bit repaint signal.
    And this indicator signal always delay 1 candle stick.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. rskdev

    rskdev Active Member Credit Hunter

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  5. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    oh, when PC shut down and restart, MT4 don't remember EA setting? EA will always check current positions(orders), so I am not sure that EA will take many orders.
  6. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    OK, this is because when the buy order was closed and signal still shows buy signal, then additional buy order is placed.
    Maybe you use reverse mode, then sell order is placed after buy order was closed?
  7. rskdev

    rskdev Active Member Credit Hunter

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    Mr. Khan,

    You can get Free VPS service for 1 year. I am using it right now. That way your Mt4 accounts will always stay on. Here I give you the links. Just follow instructions. It shows you how to set up your Mt4 platform step by step.>



    But of course there is always the link below, which I will use when my Free VPS runs out.

    Last edited: 11 Apr 2019
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  8. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    I added Session in the EA. By the way, hide TP/SL is not so easy because if you use trailing stop or attack martingale , it always changes tp or sl.
    I will think about when I have time.
    Please pick good indi and profitable request ,so I will code it.:cool::ok:

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  9. Shakka

    Shakka New Member

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    Hi Master Tanaka..
    Hope you can help me..
    I need an EA that will do a Cumulative Take Profit (CTP) from total basket trades on one pair..
    E.g. I have basket trades on AU (5 positions) and UJ (3 positions). I attach the EA each pair and set the CTP value at 50 pips. So, when the total basket trades on AU reach 50 pips in profit, EA will close all AU trades.
    This AU basket trades will not affect UJ trades at all..
    Also you can add the Cumulative Trailing Stop (CTS) from total basket trades on one pair. E.g when I am in floating profit 25 pips, EA will set CTS to breakeven (0 pips), floating 50 pips, CTS is now set at 25 pips, floating 75 pips, CTS is now set at 50 pips.
    If the price turns back againts me and total floating profit is now back to 50 pips, then EA will close all the trades at 50 pips profit.

  10. alaakenanah

    alaakenanah Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Mr. Tanaka
    Please any stop loss
    EA_BSTrend(revC).ex4 working in behind when Attack martingale TRUE.
  11. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Sorry what do you mean? You want to put stoploss?
  12. alaakenanah

    alaakenanah Member Credit Hunter

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    in default settings Attack martingale TRUE any stop loss working to protect or no stop loss (EA_BSTrend(revC).ex4 )
    i like to stop loss for every orders
    • Bad Spelling Bad Spelling x 1
  13. Bobzee

    Bobzee Member Credit Hunter

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  14. balaram

    balaram Member Credit Hunter

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    Dear Bro Tanaka please i want one modify my Renko pure candle auto-trading EA by Steve HopwoodEa,In the second candle took the order ,close in the reverse candle .
    But i want modify & add
    TARGET BANDS indicator .
    Please tell me if there are doubts.
    after cross TARGET BANDS line Entry conformation then Line below sencond candle ENTRY.
    Reverse Line cross close previous order then Line below second box reverse Entry
    on screen settings: buy lot .80(orders 4 & $+40) - Sell lot .35( orders 2& -20) = running .45( +$20 running)

    PLg bro remember my request

    i dont want no more options plg


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  15. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Sorry, please discuss with Ahmad and let us focus on the profitable one.
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  16. balaram

    balaram Member Credit Hunter

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    Dear Bro Ahmad Khan plg give BT trend indicator
  17. alaakenanah

    alaakenanah Member Credit Hunter

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    in default settings Attack martingale TRUE any stop loss working to protect or no stop loss (EA_BSTrend(revC).ex4 )
    i like to stop loss for every orders
  18. ruthfx

    ruthfx Member Credit Hunter

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    no, it is not manipulated by broker, i have tested in two brokers, for zaman martinggale, the EA behave the same after lot 0.20, it will add new order very close
    just try it with initial lot 0.20 you will see it create many order very close,



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  19. balaram

    balaram Member Credit Hunter

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    Dear BRo can you modify to me plg answer?
  20. Francisco jose

    Francisco jose Member Credit Hunter

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    tanaka the EA Hma + force index, EA hma + vq rev9 are not working properly. EA hma + force index only sells EA hma + vq only buys. I would like you to return to their original order entry because "buy and sell, sell, buy" only damaged the expert, since it was placed never worked well.

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