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Suggestion I will make a Free EA with your Indicator

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by winidecorw, 12 Jan 2018.

  1. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Does somebody has any good idea to avoid sideway market? Any good indicator?
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  2. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Sorry i have not FT all ea. Maybe requester have good result, so you can ask them. I have FT some ea, and you can see the results in my blog.
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  3. giomantov

    giomantov Member Credit Hunter

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    A minutessleep function. So in that way after a loss it will wait x minutes for make another trade
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  4. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Paulo, can you help to FT? And if you find some good idea to modify let me know. I will improve this ea.
  5. giomantov

    giomantov Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
  6. tanaka akiko

    tanaka akiko Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Convert your manual trade to ea?
  7. danichirri

    danichirri Member Credit Hunter

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    Perdon ,no se escribir Ruso ni Ingles (https://translate.google.es)
    Señor Tanaka ,a considerado la idea que sumar a su plantilla la opción de una martingala solo después de la pérdida de una orden (sólo después de tocar SL)?
    no sumar operaciones abiertas buscando la vuelta del precio ,si no,al perder una operación en la siguiente señal de entrada al comercio doblar el lote.
  8. kumar forex

    kumar forex Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    trend indicator is not showing in my renko chart.please suggest me
    Last edited: 11 May 2019
  9. pintubesar

    pintubesar New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Dear tanaka
    I use 2 ATR to avoid trend or sideway market

    You can find the attachment image for you reference
    In my opinion techinique from fxghalib ate better using the cut swicth system

    -Open posistion according to the trigger signal
    -Close position with TP SL or trailing

    -if the last order is hit by SL ,then the next order is martingale lot
    And there is an additional option of maximum loss in a row for a day ( for example for a day is limited to losing twice in a row then stop EA ,,,all of the signal inactive until the next day)

    -the next day EA open order with martingale lot from the last loss order's lot

    So on until the last order closes by TP or trailing stop

    Sorry for my bad english .. hope you understand

    Attached Files:

    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. Ronaldo Marcel

    Ronaldo Marcel Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Great signals this indicator does not repack if you want to try an EA ..

    Attached Files:

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  11. hailemichael

    hailemichael Member Credit Hunter

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    this is EA_MACROSS, Master Tanaka is great, the downside is when market is ranging, lets look for solution
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  12. balaram

    balaram Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Dear Master yes & thank you
  13. fxgalib125

    fxgalib125 Member Credit Hunter

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    Okay, You can do that if you feel that might work, you have much experience than me so if you think that might work just do it and let me know, I will test it.
    The recent delivery was nice for me while it was profitable without trailing stop idea because that doesn't works I had success with Fixed TP: 100 Points and Fixed SL: 200 Points. But what I had noticed is when it starts making a loss it may make 2-3 times or more losses at the same time, and the exact reason was maybe the market was under a retracement or in a sideways movement or a small trend.

    Note: The strategy itself is profitable, And now I'm thinking to cut out the losses if possible adding some more filters maybe. I hope you understand the situation, if you do some visual simulations you will understand!

    • 1. Give me a copy of your filters, ideas, additions that you love to do for this ea with fixing the trailing stop idea, while it's moving the SL to breakeven. SL shouldn't move and TP should be locked at 100 points and later everything is a bonus point.
    • 2. Give me a copy of my idea which is ban for 24 hours and automatically starts after the exact time with fixed TP:100 and SL: 200 just modification of the recent one you delivered.
    • 3. Send me the .mql4 source file here or inbox.

    Great to know that you loved the coffee :inlove::inlove: I hope I can send every week continuously...
  14. Ewiezy

    Ewiezy Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi Tanaka... This is indicator might help it is NRP... or would be a good one for your template on it’s own...
    Long time follower... keep it up!!! Much appreciated...

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  15. valentin

    valentin Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    TMA+CG mladen NRP+trendTMACGLWMA
  16. azertyu

    azertyu New Member

    Ref Point
    could you post here Ahmad's profile please? thank you
  17. Zavira

    Zavira New Member

    Ref Point
    Have you changed any parameter in this EA ?
    how much time you have set for testing this strategy on 30m ?
    have you used 0.01 lot size for every trade ? please help me bro :)
  18. lyazi

    lyazi Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    does it
    does it repaint
  19. amir haq

    amir haq Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Thanks for giving me reply sir

    I see your blog ea zaman Martingle and good arrow ea I like... I need good set file low risk 40% 50% monthly profit target ea I need ... You are genius sir try to create low risk 50% profit target ea if you want price sir I will give you sir...

  20. fxgalib125

    fxgalib125 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    The strategy itself is quite profitable in manual while automation may need optimizations to make it profitable. A perfect project will take time to complete, but I hope and believe that this strategy will work. I have researched the Profit: Loss ratio and calculating that it’s a profitable build, it just needs optimizations to make it profitable and stable.


    This strategy needs martingale double lots for loss recovery & do not open multiple trades at a time. Once the running one closes at Profit/Less than open another.

    The martingale with the size of lots that will try to recover the recent loss after 24 hours when it will start automatically find a perfect trade environment and start the recovery trade.

    While the balance and equity is just kept swing we have only left to put multiple lots to recover loss trades, and no multiple trades at a time while the first one is open.
    Please update me with this fix, if it works...


    Optimization Fix:
    1. No More than 1 Trade in Each Hour (If there is a Buy/Sell Trade open, no more trades open please... until that closes in Profit/Loss.)

    2. Once makes a loss... turn off trading for the next 24 hours and start with a necessary doubled lots trade after that.
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