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New EA EA Tahan Banting 3.2

EA yang tahan Trend sepanjang apa pun dan Sideways selama apa pun

  1. sreeram

    sreeram Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    if there is any further updation comes, that also i can use same as which i am downloading ?
  2. Imran Sarwar

    Imran Sarwar Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    asalam-o-alikum dear fellows,
    I am professional robot tester and i am a new member at soehoe.com i wich that i could give a tester run this robot.
    but unfortunately i cant because of money and nobody will give me this robot without money.

    anyhow good luck buddies, enjoy your greenzz.
  3. MzarM

    MzarM Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Boleh ea ni mula dengan modal $50 dengan akaun micro?
  4. Abdurokhman Fauzi

    Abdurokhman Fauzi Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Brother Imran..
    there are so many free robot in this forum, you can test them all. But if you want EA tahan banting... you just be an active member, by posting only on this forum..
    Finally, when your credit reach $5.. you can purchase it. No need money.. only fake money is enough. This easy man...
    • Like Like x 4
  5. MzarM

    MzarM Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Or if you dont have money you can buy a credit via paypal. Convenient.
  6. pam01

    pam01 New Member

    Ref Point
    Baru selesai baca dari page 1 :D
    Masih banyak yg perlu dipelajari sih,tetep semangat..credit juga masih unyil soalnya
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. san santoso

    san santoso Member

    Ref Point
    byk EA bagus, tp baru Little Boy yg sy coba, nunggu credit cukup buat EA tahan banting
  8. Abrar Ahmed

    Abrar Ahmed Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    some one who use this ea please share his result long time result is this ea is profitable or not
  9. sreeram

    sreeram Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    please share the profitable set file for this e.a.
  10. hasegawa

    hasegawa New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Mau ninggalin jejak om ... Itung" nambah kredit :)

  11. irfan ramdani

    irfan ramdani New Member

    Ref Point
    pengen nyoba juga
  12. MzarM

    MzarM Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Siapa yang telah guna ea ini sila FT nya disini. Mahu tengok prestasinya.
  13. Imran Sarwar

    Imran Sarwar Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    i need this robot can anybody oblige please
    my mail ID is given below, I want to test it and want to share results in this forum.
  14. MzarM

    MzarM Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    You can buy credit if your current credit is not enough. After topup your credit than proceed to buy this ea.
    Ape setingan yang bagus untuk modal 3000cent?

    Attached Files:

  15. Ahmad

    Ahmad Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    gimana yah performa ea ini..udah ada yang coba di real gak ya pake broker apa..
  16. James Phuc

    James Phuc Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Dear friends,

    What is the minimum amount required to be used with this ea?

    Can this ea be left to trade 24 / 5 automatically without any human intervention? and it can be used during big news events like Non-farm payroll, FOMC, Bank interest rate day, etc ?

    Thanks for sharing these information.

  17. ngasqus

    ngasqus Active Member Pioneer

    Ref Point
    Minimum required to run this EA using $10.000 and the setting default, and it can left trading without human intervention.
    But like you can read in overview you can use $4000 - $6000 to use the EA, and the rest??? If the EA won't start trading SoeHoe will post again about the clue
    Please all member read https://soehoe.com/forum-rule.t1106/
  18. James Phuc

    James Phuc Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Dear ngasqus,

    Thanks for your information.

  19. Imran Sarwar

    Imran Sarwar Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Dear Abdurokhman,
    I want to say Thanks a lot for your kind help.
    I tried a lot to work on this robot, unfortunately this robot is not up to the mark. in other words this robot is useless until a set file provided,
    because robots are not supposed to work on cent or standard account. Robot must run on cent and standard accounts simultaneously.
    i am quite willing to BT/FT on this robot but i will not be able to continue my wish until i get some set file which will guide me about the parameters of this robot. I request Administrators of this thread please upload a guide/set file/ or some helping materials to understand this robot.

    I want to say thanks to all members who are really very supportive and with helping attitude.
    Allah Bless u all, aamin
    Take care and waiting for your kind reply
  20. ngasqus

    ngasqus Active Member Pioneer

    Ref Point
    Aamin to that
    The set file fot this EA isn't available, you can just simply attach EA to the chart. You can use default setting please read on overview section and setting for this EA, and of course you can use google translate to do that
    • Agree Agree x 1

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