some indicators not working supportresistance and one more Ro_Nz_autoyes here are indicators and try to use them accurately and efficiently and ea to monitor your trade
yes here detailthanks lia for your effort
is there any chance we can have investor pass also too see the trade and copy? lol
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Thanks Liayes here detail
account number: 2089976908
account type: Pro
account currency: USD
account investor password: F8s0Zdqxbe
let me clear for all trades initially i m using fix stop loss 30 pips but when i check trades after a set period of time than before going to sleep i close all trades if overall trades in profit in this case some trades in negative also close.R u using an ea cause sl is dynamic right?
yes here detail
account number: 2089976908
account type: Pro
account currency: USD
account investor password: F8s0Zdqxbe
plz recheck invester password again i updated invester password again in mt4Not able to login with the given details.
plz recheck invester password again i updated invester password again in mt4
investor password: F8s0Zdqxbe
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