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Suggestion windachl - the engagement windac and windahl

i understand everything darling , my computer stays on all day and night too so i don't need VPS ... And regarding your EA bah I just plug it in and I wait and I have losses :( I'm waiting to see who is making demo or real money with this robot but for the moment darling you seem to be the only one right? all the accounts you have provided here do not publish their results

omg :*
you still not understand.
googling first why you need vps to run expert advisor :*
it's not only always on baby :*
are you sure your computer machine has low latency connectivity to broker server?
omg :*
you still not understand.
googling first why you need vps to run expert advisor :*
it's not only always on baby :*
are you sure your computer machine has low latency connectivity to broker server?
I know what a VPS it allows to have a windows session open permanently even if my computer is off, it's a virtual desktop, I say that my computer is never off so I don't need to have a VPS, and if you tell me that because it depends on the execution time of the positions, the positions are not supposed to be closed in less than a second so the latency time between 2ms and 15ms does not change anything, so I don't see why you have a good result and not me if your robot is not based on volatility ...
I know what a VPS it allows to have a windows session open permanently even if my computer is off, it's a virtual desktop, I say that my computer is never off so I don't need to have a VPS, and if you tell me that because it depends on the execution time of the positions, the positions are not supposed to be closed in less than a second so the latency time between 2ms and 15ms does not change anything, so I don't see why you have a good result and not me if your robot is not based on volatility ...
Mantap Jiwa
I know what a VPS it allows to have a windows session open permanently even if my computer is off, it's a virtual desktop, I say that my computer is never off so I don't need to have a VPS, and if you tell me that because it depends on the execution time of the positions, the positions are not supposed to be closed in less than a second so the latency time between 2ms and 15ms does not change anything, so I don't see why you have a good result and not me if your robot is not based on volatility ...

do you know what the meaning of latency? :*
it will make all execution delay if your latency is very high.
omg you say this ea not based on volatility? :D
it seem you not test it. :*
mbak win ini kalem banget ya selalu ngerespon dengan santuy memberi penjelasan sedetail mungkin. kalau aku itu udah kumaki abis tuh mbak tak bakal respon lagi orang begitu bakal terus gak nyambung ngomongnya

bawaan winda memang gitu mas :*
download latest version windachl version 2.0

what's new :

new feature Frequency Trading added

input Frequency
HFT=High Frequency Trading (Always open trade very soon and very often)
LFT=Low Frequency Trading ( High Accuracy Signal but ea not often open trade. you need patience if you choose this option )
that's an improvement knowing can choose HFT or LFT. if this better than windac i will using it
Hello Winda,
Congratulations by the EA Windachl.
Please could you send me the serial for demo account 609218 and real account 25590?
Thanks for your help.

Daniel H.
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Halo Mbak Winda,

Terimakasih ya mbak sudah mau berbagi robotnya.
Saya juga mau berbagi masukan kepada mbak Winda, mungkin mbak winda sudah terpikirkan atau sudah di lakukan tapi hasilnya mungkin tidak optimal.
Maaf jika masukan nya sudah mbak lakukan dikarenakan saya belum tahu dan saya penasaran.

Masukan :
Adanya posisi open order yang floating profit / loss, kadang bisa profit 3 sd 5 % tapi tidak di close order, ini bisa ber-ulang2x hingga 2-3x dalam sehari. Namun yang diklosing sebagian kadang malah yg loss, namun endingnya memang profit sih. Tp yg lihat ini jadi gregetan / gemes gituloh...coba sudah profit 3% diklosing, dan bila itu terulang 2-3x kan, bisa 3-9% dalam sehari.
Masukan perlunya adanya closing profit dalam persen atau dalam $.
entry order lagi utk mengulang terjadi nya profit lagi.
Contoh :
Rule 1 :
Eur/Jpy Buy 120.03 closing profit 3% atau $30 utk semua order Buy Eur/Jpy (ada sekitar 20 order close semua).
Jika signal masih ada Buy di Eur/Jpy, tunggu harga turun kembali di 120.03 masuk lagi dan jika naik closing profit 3% atau $30. Lumayan bisa berulang profit 3% -9% dalam sehari.

Rule 2:
Jika order masuk jangan GAS POL 20 order mbak. dibuat 2-3 tahap. (adanya input pipstep berapa point) misalkan :
Tahap I masuk dulu 5-10 order.
Jika floating minus 5-10 point masuk Tahap II masuk 5-10 order lg. demikian juga tahap berikutnya.
utk closing profit nya ikut spt Rule 1, yaitu jika profit sdh 3% atau $30 closing semua order utk pair yg bersangkutan,

Tapi ini perlu di backtest dulu hasil nya apakah lebih baik dari yang original ataukah tidak.
Saya ingin lihat hasil backtestnya.

Terimakasih sebelumnya..
Salam Sukses dan Sehat selalu...All Member