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Saya sdh nemu..karena saya tdk trading d broker..tapi di liquidity providerbroker yg spread tipin n gak pake komisi dan jujur, ada gak??? VPS <1ms, kalo nemu, bisa di pake tuh gan
Ada sistem dibroker namanya SL hunter... jadi untuk SL yg kecil pasti langsung kena SLnyaWah apa benar itu gan, mungkin tidak semua broker sudah mengenal ea ini?
kalau ane gak paham bagaimana plugin menangkap ea supaya gak bisa jalan
read this article to see what happen in your scalping ea on real market
before doing anything
you have error: delete{no money}Can you trade real? this ea?
will testUpdatable version of waygrow . . . . . .
read this article to see what happen in your scalping ea on real market
before doing anything
Why display this error and don't open order in BT
because your stop level is biggest of your order distance of market priceguys, i had tried waygrow-edu and waygrow 1.8, all same like this photo above. error 130. anyone help?
i use instatrader demo.
Dear glosbe, how to change trailing stop for this EA, tksb
because your stop level is biggest of your order distance of market price
exp: if your stop level is 2 pip, you can not put your tp and stop loss under 2 pip even trilling stop
generally on above exp you can not put any order under 2 pip,if put under 2 pip you get error 130
use this indicator to find your broker stop level
if you need broker with 0 pip stop level
you can use FXTM
also you can search on net to find another one
but forget this type ea's for trading on live
broker's beat your account,and you can not understand how they beat your account
remember: if you want make money on market,they want play with money on market and always want find another victim