Hi today win real with tracket and this continue.... i play default set but RISK 50 and TP 0.01 % . Good luck for all
I don't understand you said you stopped using this robot, now you continue? I would like to use it too but I was waiting for your results and recently you said that you were quittingJust now real + demo all closed
Tracker still good
With risk 50 i get maximum Drowdown 25% and close all position and continue . Still ok
whick take profit is good ? example 0.5 dolar or o.oo2 i not usnertand full, so i not want long time for profit, i want quckly and small profit, if have this parameters please share.
very thanks, and sorry for bad english,
For 1000€ and risk 50 % and TP 0.01 Ea will close with 10€
for 100 € same risk and profit will close with 1€
this can help you?
if you put risk 10% for 1000€ so you need put tp 5 times less like 0.001
will close with 1€ if not mistake
thanks for answer, i understand but not full again, reason is my bad english,
example i have 1000$ and i want ea close when have 1 dolar gain,
for this set need in this way ? -----> PROFIT IN PERCENT : 0.001 ---- ?
if i want ea close when have 2 dolar gain for 1000$ ------> PROFIT IN PERCENT : 0.002 ---- ?
in this case lot size, how much should it be?
In this case Lot size all depond of YOU
More higher lot size more risk
but should be like You say
For 1000$ you put rsk 10 = lot size 0.1 and Tp 0.001 = 1 € Should be like this if not mistake
Hi i will post the last post now
Event i reduce to minimum lot size this ea has no future
Sorry . If you want continue is up to you . Good luck for all
is fine honestly, it just that people dont listen or follow instructions, i have collected multiple eas on correlation, u just need time to set them right and then you start minting money,for those who follow the thread please report if there are errors in the EA
You may need to keep an eye on 2 Timeframes not just one, Live values
It will minimize Correlation fake outs and eliminate opening the hedging pair.
Observe 2 TFs for 1 weeks eg 15m and 1hr with its Correlation percentage.
You will achieve 2 things
1. lower DD
2.Increase profit factor
Sorry i play Only EUR USD vs USD CHF
no need more .
Try to close GBP USD vs GBP JPY and keep only EUR USD - USD CHF
And nobody tell you to play GU vs GJ why you chose this pairs ? There are no negatifs and no positifs correlation between them
I play default set