Please re attached the pic, I cannot see it clearly, thanks
Dibiarkan saja Pak, nanti closed sendiri kokHari ini ane lagi lihatin chart di komoditi gold nih kenya kok mau turun jauh apa cuma sementara saja, padahal sudah terlanjur open sell dan menunggu nanti bisa modify stop loss atau tidak, kalau ada ea yang bisa lock profit boleh bagi infonya agan juga bagaimana cara kerjanya
maen di m1 x lot dari 1.8 mnjdi 4 gmna mnurut mas-2nya nih
Wah ada Masta Trader With EAmaaf,,,saya master juga turun gunung..
master silent reader maksud nya wkwkk
lanjutkan semoga bermanfaat buat orang banyak
ninggalin jejak dulu...
Memang default set nya 4digit dia, kalau mau main sadis hrs set trading time nya Gan
guys, etamin Kifli Allstar D.Ray
i think all of us need to recheck the input, i feel unbelievable with the results posted by some of our friend, the profit is way too high, so with mine, but then i realised that i'm using the 5 digit broker, and the setting of "auto detect 5 digit" by default is set to FALSE, and so the trading time filter, thats why the pipsteps are very tight and EA run 24/7, which (in a friendly market conditions) lead to high profit & low DD, however, if the market trend is strong and against our position we might caught in deep sh*t.
two way to get safer set is to change the "auto detect 5 digit" to TRUE if you are using 5 digit broker and set the trading filter to true, starts session I 0n 00:00 - 06:00 and session II on 22:00 - 23:59
for those who loves high risk high return, may set the "auto detect 5 digit" to FALSE if you are using 5 digit broker BUT ALWAYS set the trading filter to TRUE, starts session I 0n 00:00 - 06:00 and session II on 22:00 - 23:59 - minimum deep for this should no lower than 15k (prefer using cent account).
thank you
cc cirilo jrc74xxx fafa bibiya rich4team rida123 liaqat riqi yulian Mochamad Rizki Muhammad Nevy yudilana
Bisa pakai settingan saya (ada di thread ark) tinggal ganti xlot nya dari 1.3 jadi 1.6 untuk 5 digitThis is my review for this thread:
yg inikah yg maksud agan harus diset itu??
ok, terima kasih. Saya udah mereset sesuai agan ts![]()
Alhamdulillah, semoga tahan lama opit nya Pak Hajihasil FT saya masih profitable
ok, terima kasih. Masih di tes ea nyaBisa pakai settingan saya (ada di thread ark) tinggal ganti xlot nya dari 1.3 jadi 1.6 untuk 5 digit
Thanks untuk revuew nya Gan
pake setingan agresif ya masBaru nyobain FT demo kamis sore lalu + $354 flating $50
Enggak, pake settingan sendiri...pake setingan agresif ya mas