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New EA SyTLAS EA / Multi-currencies MT5 EA

I also continue to test on SyTLAS cent account. Symphoenix, please write in more detail what the parameters for Period_1, Period_2 and Period_3 are for. Thank!
Hi Afar255 !

These are Moving averages periods.
They are used to spot weaknesses. The main job is done by treating 100 MA per pair but one of the filters is the exhaustion one using these 3 values.

Best regards
Hi Afar255 !

These are Moving averages periods.
They are used to spot weaknesses. The main job is done by treating 100 MA per pair but one of the filters is the exhaustion one using these 3 values.

Best regards
so ? :$ how many time do you need now ? haha 1 month or less ? thank you i will try in demo 100 USD and if resut are good i buy a licence, but how much cost licence ? for how many growth montlhy ?
Hello kamel !

Sorry for not answering you directly.
I'm testing with another member a beta version that should be available in a few days.
You'll need minimum 1000$ to use this EA live.
This is not some ATM cash-machine scam...
We are taking trading very seriously.
People who want to invest more than 1K sould contact me via PM for licence fees.

Best regards
Hello kamel !

Sorry for not answering you directly.
I'm testing with another member a beta version that should be available in a few days.
You'll need minimum 1000$ to use this EA live.
This is not some ATM cash-machine scam...
We are taking trading very seriously.
People who want to invest more than 1K sould contact me via PM for licence fees.

Best regards
perfect how much it cost the licence ? for one account ? and how many growth monthly do you think ? 10 % 50 % 100 % ? i will try beta version demo and after buy it if result will be good, it"s possible to see the account of your other member ?
Hello Symphoenix,
I am running a few tests with the Sytlas and, until now, the results had been very interesting.

Considering the way that the EA works, which, after being launched for the first time it requires a period of time to compose the matrix with the averages, I would like to ask you a few points:

1) As this EA is supposed to run all the time, considering the weekends and the eventual "big gaps" that may exist in the beggining of the market on Sunday, do you have an idea of how the EA will deal with this scenario ? On the return of the market the EA will need time to recalculate and update the matrix ?

2) If there is a situation in which we have to turn off the MT5 client (due to, for example, a VPS maintenance), at the moment that we turn on the MT5 again, I supose that the client will need time to recalculate a new average matrix, correct ? During this time, the EA will do something over the opened orders like, for example, closing the profitable ones ?

Best Regards,
Hello HAL ! :)

Such an honor to have nice and smart people on this thread ! :ok:

Your questions are the results of a great understanding of how things work. The gaps are treated like every others time data, no special functions on this matter yet. BUT there is an "EMERGENCY MODE" that will kick in as soon as an abnormal deviation from the mean price is detected, whatever the moment of the week. When it is activated, the EA tries to cut losses at the best moment possible (candles patterns detector has been added in Tamasai regarding this objective). A big adverse gap would be treated as such deviation.

The time period needed to populate matrices is very short. It happens in a question of milliseconds with a fast computer/VPS. SyTLAS and Tamasai update these matrices every minutes. So, when you turn MT5 on again after a shutdown, the delay before being ready to operate is quite reduced. Previous opened orders are taken care of as if nothing happens if you kept the same magic numbers... :cool:

Best regards
Dear Symphoenix,
Thank you very much for your detailed analisys and information bout the current Sytlas features and, also, about the future Tamasai resources.
I am sure that the Soehoe community is anxiously waiting for the release of your next project.

Regarding, the Sytlas tests, they are showing me a very good level of performance, with stability, and acceptable level of drawdown.
Inclusively, a few minutes ago, the EA passed very well through a 25 pip spike held in just 1 minute (see the graph below).
These are the situations that we, algorithmic traders, have to live with, and the EAs have to show their capacity (or not) of dealing with the "unexpected". :cool:.

At this moment, this thread is clearly the most promising in the Soehoe site.

Best Regards,



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Dear Symphoenix,
Thanks for the EA.
The EA is doing great so far, i am testing with a broker that has a maximum leverage of 30. I started with $USD500 on demo, the EA could open 7 trades, i increased the amount to $USD1000 (12 trades) , now i am on $USD1500 (31 trades ) and i have some margin to play with. Which good brokers give leverage of 100 and above?

By the way when can we test Tamasai?
HAL 9000
Thank you very much for your support !

I guess you are European... Look for ASIC regulated brokers to get a >30 leverage. But remember, current laws can change the game very quickly, even in Australia...

Tamasai is being tested by a small and closed group here right now !
Let see how it goes...
This is my review for this thread:
I Express my gratitude to the author of the project. Only a really competent person can create such a complex expert Advisor ! Thanks for sharing !!! I'll test.
Hello Symphoenix and congatulations for your job.
I'd lime to ask you about Sytlas 1.7 ver if it runs in a real account???
Additional I'd like to ask you if it's possible to add a parameter to choose the lot size ...??
I'm waiting to see and test the tamasai ea.....
How much does a lisence will cost...????

Thanks again and keep up the good work...
Best regards
I know a lot of people are eager to see TAMASAI EA in action.
Be sure that I'm doing my best to deliver a public release asap :whew:
Right now, I'm making the EA use the GPU to do candlesticks patterns detection...
It gets improved every days a little bit more ! :)

Best regards
oho hate !