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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Suggestion Strategi Fibonacci

sharing aja....fibo efektif di h4 pengalaman ane lhoo yaa.
open kudu tepat....!!! kl telat sabar nunggu cari moment lain.
rulenya : kl fibo arah ke bawah maka kt open buy..........kl fibo arah atas kita open sell.......
kelemahan pake fibo...? kl hrg uda nembus dr open yg kita buka bisa panjang flotingnya. tergantung kita pny mental mau ditahan ato cutloss? tp intinya sama akan balik arah (retreace).
tidak disarankan unt time frame kecil.......
Trading education is very important for those who are involved in Forex trading. It is not possible to make a profit without trading education. If a trader trades without education, he will never be a successful trader. To be a successful trader, you must develop skills. Those who trade without learning anything will lose their important investment. So to make a profit in trading, you must acquire trading education. I have developed my trading knowledge by learning from the Forex4you broker's website. Currently, I do real trading in that broker. The site of this broker is very reliable and honest.