I use SNIPER.ex and ea trailing2
noted, but between 2 , only minor changes
SNIPER.ex4 is the original file compiled (refer to post no.26)
Trailing2 is mod by Rod
Hopefully someone mod the original version again (Use back Rod version) to add the features that I believe good for the EA
Time Filter (start-finish) (say 1400 to 23oo hrs, broker time)
Is Broker ECN or no
News Filter (stop on Red News) (Pull from ForexFactory FFCAL)
Spread Control
MM (choose either one)
Profit in Dollars
Profit in Pips
UseRisk (% of Equity)
UseLot Manual
MinutesSleep (EA won't trade after x minutes when hit losses)
Loss on those pairs also today.Today has lost on gbp and eur sometimes take bad trade
Default settings or did you optimize each pair?I only used trailing sniper real 2, good result so far so good.
On demo i used on 8 pairs, someone crash and hit 1/2 sl, on real i used 4 pair only and it's doing well
mind share your real result ? thank youI only used trailing sniper real 2, good result so far so good.
On demo i used on 8 pairs, someone crash and hit 1/2 sl, on real i used 4 pair only and it's doing well
noted, but between 2 , only minor changes
SNIPER.ex4 is the original file compiled (refer to post no.26)
Trailing2 is mod by Rod
Hopefully someone mod the original version again (Use back Rod version) to add the features that I believe good for the EA
Time Filter (start-finish) (say 1400 to 23oo hrs, broker time)
Is Broker ECN or no
News Filter (stop on Red News) (Pull from ForexFactory FFCAL)
Spread Control
MM (choose either one)
Profit in Dollars
Profit in Pips
UseRisk (% of Equity)
UseLot Manual
MinutesSleep (EA won't trade after x minutes when hit losses)
reduce your TP (5-10pips)Sl 30
Tp 50