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Suggestion Sniper Suite Ultimate v7.1

Yes but i think on gbpjpy and gbpaud , it must go to the same direction , but it's not the case , like you said it's random trade ....

rod777 you can help ?
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Thank you,
so the only goal of this EA is to know what is the trend in the H4 Timeframe??? is very poor!

I am still test it in demo, we will see how it go...
rod777 it work well on gbpjpy but i get only problem on gbpaud , gbpjpy is only 3 digits and gbpaud is 5 , can it be an explanation ?

I test macd version on gbpaud , for the moment no trade open
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macd trend

if(CheckMarketBuyOrders()==0 && CheckMarketSellOrders()==0)
if(data[pos][1]-spread>Open[0] && macd >0)
if(data[pos][1]+spread<Open[0] && macd<0)

Very interesting, I'll try it.
the macd that you use is the one of the current graph or the one of H4?
hi no open trades
open the mq4 and this files are required

[HASHTAG]#property[/HASHTAG] copyright "[email protected]"
[HASHTAG]#property[/HASHTAG] link ""

[HASHTAG]#include[/HASHTAG] <stdlib.mqh>
[HASHTAG]#property[/HASHTAG] strict

[HASHTAG]#import[/HASHTAG] "kernel32.dll"
int CreateFileW(string,uint,int,int,int,int,int);
int GetFileSize(int,int);
int SetFilePointer(int,int,int&[],int);
int ReadFile(int,uchar&[],int,int&[],int);
int CloseHandle(int);
[NO LOSS] WIN 100% .

Saya akan tunjukkan bukti bahwa robot Sniper ini berjaya di backtest.

Silahkan Anda BACKTEST robot hasil modifikasi saya ini ,
  • Semua Pair
  • Semua Timeframe
  • dan Modal Cukup $5 saja.

set Parameter WinAll ke true.

Anda akan melihat NO LOSS atau WIN 100% di semua pair dan semua timeframe,
dan Drawdown MAKSIMAL hanya 9%.

Dengan hasil yang sangat Fantastis.
do you have a hystory from real account?
Berjaya dalam backtest belum jaminan berjaya pula di akun real, perbedaan server live dan demo, bisa jadi sebab gagalnya ea berjalan dengan wajar
tapi bagus jika ea ini betul profitable, saatnya bisa dicoba pula dengan akun mikro firewoodfx
Hi Rod comes to me written "History data loaded". What should I do?
It's OK , just be sure to be on M5 TF and wait !!
When macd and history get the same trend , ea will open a new position , with this new version ea open less position but it seems to be more accurate , i will test it on more pair to see what happen .
rod777 i'm in test , for the moment it's good , already 15 trades , 12 wins and 3 lost , i think we can try to find the better settings tp-sl-tsl to earn more ....

The last one is a win trade but i lost 0.05...
helio made a good job on this setting , actually i'm at sl 50 tp 100 and tsl 4 , you can set that in your expert setting , right click on the chart and under expert advisors , select properties ....

20 trades , only 3 loses....
helio made a good job on this setting , actually i'm at sl 50 tp 100 and tsl 4 , you can set that in your expert setting , right click on the chart and under expert advisors , select properties ....

20 trades , only 3 loses....
Nice setting bro.
PLS. share ea update Thanks bro.