This is a SMC Robot supposed to be good will be trying this week ... They claim to be able to pass FTMO requirements Has many different setfiles for different things from m5 scalping for indices to h1 for FX pairs including setfile for prop firm. The p1 p2 p3 setfiles are just 1% 2% and 3% risk autolot setfiles.
You will need the library file and the tpl loaded first have to install the Indi and the EA in their correct folders but mine works fine... Have to enter code "fx" in the EA input top box when loading the EA I went back and saved the setfiles to include the code pretty easy to do.
The EA is really pretty cheap at $50 and can be found at forexhub south Africa on telegram and their website and they have a few newer versions v3.4 and v4 etc but this one should be a good test.
Look them up on YouTube found a video that claims they use SMC concepts combined with pivots and daily weekly monthly hi lo as well as FVG entries from order blocks etc, really interesting