iya, TF m5 ganTipe scalping?
udah gak bisa klu skrg gan, udah expired (permision denied).caranya BT gmn? ini aq coba BT koq diem aj , tulung dibantu http://prntscr.com/8tra6t
Where is the ea?I have fixed the Robot and made another variation (more agressive - lot*3), but need more account to use it(more risky).
The EA uses another indicator - i_trend.mq4, you can find on the web.View attachment 7034 View attachment 7036 View attachment 7037 View attachment 7038
Tester Graph attached.
View attachment 7039
Hello Trancexe,Where is the ea?
Hello Trancexe,
Later will post the full package-someone took the old EA and added 2 more ways to enter the trades.The original EA uses 2 indicators - support and resistance and pivot lines time zones and enters the market using 3 ways to chose for (MACD,pivots and SR).The addition is using i_trend indicator.It now enters the market on 5 ways you can chose for.The backtests I put on the previous post is using 1 mode only.It must be checked the difference of tests in the same period using the other 4 ways.I added some commentaries on the EA for the left side of the screen (Broker, account number, lot size used,profit,margin,etc.).
extern int OpenOrdersBasedOn=5; // Method to decide trades:
1=Pivot Point Time Zone,
2=Support and Resistance,
3=i_Trend RSI,
I tested it but the trailing stop function does not work properly or maybe is the Broker, don´t know.
For the lot*2 version (ArnoldEA) balance account minimun 500 for 0.01 base lot.For the agressive version lot*3 (Arnold1EA) balance account minimun 1000.This EA is to withdraw profits regularly, before the MC gets you sooner or later.
Ok.As promised here is the full package with the 2 EAs and all indies, the original fixed and the agressive.
Check out and leave some comments.
Thanks for the share and nice job bro !Hello Trancexe,
Later will post the full package-someone took the old EA and added 2 more ways to enter the trades.The original EA uses 2 indicators - support and resistance and pivot lines time zones and enters the market using 3 ways to chose for (MACD,pivots and SR).The addition is using i_trend indicator.It now enters the market on 5 ways you can chose for.The backtests I put on the previous post is using 1 mode only.It must be checked the difference of tests in the same period using the other 4 ways.I added some commentaries on the EA for the left side of the screen (Broker, account number, lot size used,profit,margin,etc.).
extern int OpenOrdersBasedOn=5; // Method to decide trades:
1=Pivot Point Time Zone,
2=Support and Resistance,
3=i_Trend RSI,
I tested it but the trailing stop function does not work properly or maybe is the Broker, don´t know.
For the lot*2 version (ArnoldEA) balance account minimun 500 for 0.01 base lot.For the agressive version lot*3 (Arnold1EA) balance account minimun 1000.This EA is to withdraw profits regularly, before the MC gets you sooner or later.
Ok.As promised here is the full package with the 2 EAs and all indies, the original fixed and the agressive.
Check out and leave some comments.