Hi david how much cost the latest version please ? and can you help me to install all with teamviewer ? thank you
View attachment 72710View attachment 72711View attachment 72712
Been trying semi auto using SFX ea 2 month on demo, and these one is real account..the result promising..thanks a lot to owner. I add some indicator to manually trade.
Are you trading manual or auto
View attachment 72710View attachment 72711View attachment 72712
Been trying semi auto using SFX ea 2 month on demo, and these one is real account..the result promising..thanks a lot to owner. I add some indicator to manually trade.
[QUOTE = "Muhammad Nazmi Adnan, post: 285585, membro: 33701"] [ATTACH = full] 72710 [/ ATTACH] [ATTACH = completo] 72711 [/ ATTACH] [ATTACH = full] 72712 [/ ATTACH]
Estive tentando semi auto usando SFX e 2 meses em demo, e este é uma conta real ... o resultado prometedor ... muito obrigado ao dono. Eu adiciono um indicador para negociar manualmente. [/ QUOTE]
Can you share the Renko that you use friend with?
Thank you!