this one is the correct one..
its deferent with the ea in the post 1.
- UseHedging = TRUE;Activated hedging function
- TP = 1000; For take profit by pips (just for security)
- SL = 450; For stop loss by pips (just for security)
- MaxPost = 3; Maximum trade open
- TrailStop = 100; For trailing by pips
- MaxSpread = 50.0; Spread filter
- LotExp = 2.0; Lot exponent
- Gap = 400; Pips range gap
- MyProfitUSD = 2.00; Profit want grab in USD
- MyLostPips = -300; Secure cut loss by pips
- TradeIkutJam = TRUE; Trade by hour activated
- MulaJam = 0; Trading Hour Begin
- HinggaJam = 23; Trading Hour Ending
- NoTradeHoliday = TRUE; Holiday no trade
- NoTradeMonday = FALSE; No Trade Monday
- NoTradeFriday = FALSE; No Trade Friday
- Lots = 0.01; Minimum Lots
- Slippage = 3; Slippage
- USD_Strong = 6.0; USD Currency Strong Value
- USD_Weak = 4.0; USD Currency Weak Value
- High_CCY_Strong = 6.0; High Yield Currency Strong Value (GBP,EUR,CAD,NZD,AUD)
- High_CCY_Weak = 4.0; High Yield Currency Strong Value (GBP,EUR,CAD,NZD,AUD)
- WPR_OS_Level = -5.0; William Percents Range Indicator Oversold Value
- WPR_OB_Level = -95.0; William Percents Range Indicator Overbought Value