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Suggestion Scalping ea with unbelievable results

Or maybe some expert here on this forum can fix this and possibly add
- risk based money management
- add commission to take profit (important for ECN account)

Thank you!


i found this EA from other forum. Work great for me.
make your own settings according to your scalping style. following settings giving me good results on four
major pairs. time frame any 5/mins

1. stoploss 70
2.take profit 500
3.trailing stop 20
4.trailing start and step trail 1
5.no loss and min. profit no loss (still not confirm to me if anybody explain
6.step 100(important change according to yours choice )

plz share good settings run on demo account you will see the its working.

back test not impressive why i dnt know?
but on live demo account amazing specially when market trendy.
share your forward test experience.
why does the sell stop and the buy stop keep moving with the price movement?
Unfortunately the YIKPUYII_EA_3T.mq4 postet is not working here.
Ex4 is working

and MT4 is crashing on simulation... thinks to be very spammy with its operations.
Maybe broker will ban you since server requirement of the EA is to high?
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But it sets very many stop orders. I do not thing that the brokers will accept that.