Nanya gan, saat coba klik close all orders khusus utk yg profit/loss aja, tetapi semua pending order yg terpasang juga ikut di close/hapus. apakah memang begitu gan? Lalu ada angka antara tombol sell dan buy berubah-ubah, kadang 3.6. 3.5 dst dan fungsi pending order pada menu exact price dan pips distance apa ya, boleh di jelaskan gan? thanks for share
Waduh banyak benar nih pertanyaannya, ok saya coba jawab ya.
1. Ya. memang begitu close all di panel ToC v.1.5 memang disetting untuk menghapus baik loss / profit, berikut pending ordernya, untuk mengantisipasi kesalahan order yang sudah dibuat sebelumnya dan menghindari terjadinya kesalahan selanjutnya pada pending order.
2. Angka itu menunjukkan ketersediaan lot atau rekomendasi lot maksimal dapat dibuka sesuai dengan equity anda, hanya saja jangan berlebihan buka open posisinya. dan usahakan pakai lot dibawah lot rekomendasi itu, karena akan membahayakan equity anda. apalagi kalau anda setting lot diatas lot maksimal yang dianjurkan.
3. Fungsi pending order itu ada 2 pilihan pertama pips distance, artinya jarak harga yang mendekati harga market, dieksekusi berdasarkan pergerakan harga yang terdekat yang dapat dicapai, kerana saat pergerakan besar boleh jadi harga pembukaan lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah dari yang sudah disetting, kedua exact price itu adalah harga yang sesungguhnya kita inginkan, hanya saya harus diisikan sesuai dengan harga pairnya, misalnya harga pair EU, maka kalau ingin harga exact price harus diisikan angka, 1.1190, atau 1.1210, sehingga pada saat market mengenai harga 1.1210 maka PO akan dieksekusi, namun tentu saja kadang tidak tepat di harag 1.1210 karena pergerakan harga terlalu dinamis, boleh jadi diatas atau dibawahnya. mungkin karena settingan di MT4 broker seperti itu, saya juga kurang paham.
OK. itu saja penjelasan saya.
In English,
I asked the master, when trying to click close all special orders For that profit / loss wrote, but all pending orders that installed also in close / delete. is it really so? Then there is a number between sell and buy button fickle, sometimes 3.6.or 3.5 etc. and functions pending order on the menu exact price and what distance pips yes, be explained? thanks for share [/ QUOTE]
Oops lot of questions, ok I tried to answer it, Ok.
1. Yes. indeed so close all in the TOC panel v.1.5 indeed gives a chance to remove either loss / profit, following pending orders, to anticipate mistakes previously made order and prevent further mistakes in the pending order.
2. The figure shows the availability of lots or on maximum lot can be opened in accordance with your equity, just do not overdo open the open position. and try to use the lot under a lot of recommendations, because it would endanger your equity. especially if you are setting the lot above the recommended maximum lot.
3. The function of a pending order that there are two first choice pips distance, which means the distance for anywhere near the price of the market, price movements executed by the closest that can be achieved, because when the big movements may be the opening price higher or lower than that already gives a chance, both exact price that is the price we really want, only I have to be filled in accordance with the price pairnya, such as pricing pair EU, so if you want a reasonably exact price must be loaded figure, 1.1190, or 1.1210, so that when the market regarding the price of 1.1210 then the PO will be executed but of course sometimes not right harag 1.1210 as price movements are dynamic, may be above or below. perhaps because of the settings in MT4 brokers like that, I also do not understand.
OK. it's just my explanation.