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ahoi, thank you for this ea and your posts. i will test it with an cent acc.
i will be back with results.
i will be back with results.
this picture from budak ubat owner account
so much risk !!
he have about 100 k usd !!! but big floating
martingale EA is very risk for small accounts
fx is 70% deception, so when u share a successful way of trading it will change fast to a losing one by that 70% or more, and remember it's about deception in most times so u can't have a 100% successful way of trading ever, the best thing is a martin algorithm that is perfect low dd, less than 10 level in max etc... and if you miss once by failure, disconnection and vps problems you can start again from the missed level to recover fast, something like this cannot be defeat it by deception, but this stra or ea does not exist to public so maybe it cant be done without a way of trading that deception fx empire can ruin it or something else i dont know,
my share is to have a visual ea builder and start developing something like that, dont waste ur time on fx empire indi & eas, i waste it and i learn and i dont have that ea ure looking for so dont waste u too, or u start the marti manually on breakouts, pullbacks etc... and learn how to be always in profit,,
can you post your settings as a set file ?Running this EA on a live account with Tickmill, I'll post my results-EURUSD, 0.01 Starting Lot, TP 40, LM 1.2, No Auto Compound and Identifier 1 - very nice growth, frequent trader and good trend identification which is a killer to so many martingale EA's. Has nearly doubled the account, impressive so far.
Semoga lancar jaya selamanya gan, kalau melihat kawan trader sukses dengan menggunakan ea juga ikut senangAman damai sentosa dgn Budak Ubat EA.