Thanks for the URL bro. Who would go and delete the CSV file during trading ?WARNING!!
This is called "NRP Indicator" or "SBNR PRO"
This is REPAINTED badly, be careful on using this buddies.
This is also already discussed on:
[1] I am using it to trade binary. Expiry is 5m but I switch the expiry time to a lower time depending on when the alert appears. When the alert appeared, I looked at the amount of time left to the 5 min expiration then choose my expiry time.
[2] I don't use this indicator alone. There are just too many alerts this NRP indicator provides at M5. I used it with another indicator for confluence. When both indicators alerted on the same candle, then I consider the signal a trustworthy one.
[3] Even the trustworthy signal appeared and I have decided on my expiry time, I don't just blinding entered into a trade. I looked at Price Action indicators (like SNR, Fibo, Candlestick wick and pattern formation ie engulfing, spinning top, hammer, inverted hammer, etc) then decide to abort or take the trade.
The idea is not to trade every signals (ie quantity) but to trade only winning signal (ie quality).