hello sir, please send unlimited version [email protected]
I think this is an interesting robot that works hybrid
Trailing is not triggering, anyone has face a same problem?
Dear Andy,
Is this suitable with 4 digit or 5 digit broker ?
I have try at demo account with prices with 2 digit after dot, it work normally, but when use in broker with 3 digit after dot , the set must be add more zero. Maybe this also will impact to the signal at the robot. I still try for it.
Thank you
Hi, should be OK on both brokers. Since it's using not cents originally, but /10 to make all calculations easily.
Anyway, I will try 5 digits if find.
Thank you Andy, I have get it. When I use it in 5 digit broker, it will impact in open order, it will open twice order in shorten range. maybe something will be revise for 5 digit broker.
best regards
Trailing is not triggering, anyone has face a same problem?
A few words about trailing SL:
There are 2 main parameters: trailing start & level. Here is an example for better understanding.
Start 5
Level 10
It means that trailing SL starts at +15 (start 5 + level 10)... not at +5 as many traders thing.
It starts at +15 (start + level) and follow the price on 10 level... at +16 your SL moves to +6, at
+18 SL moves to +8 etc... with the step 1.
I hope it clear now.